Dictionaries | References स सेव् { sēv } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 सेव् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | सेव् cl. 1. Ā. (xiv, 30">[Dhātup. xiv, 30] ) सेवते (rarely °ति; pf.सिषेवे, °व, [MBh.] &c.; fut.सेविताGr.; सेविष्यते, ib., °ति, [MBh.] ; aor.असिषेवत्, असेविष्टGr.; inf.सेवितुम्, [MBh.] &c.; ind.p.सेवित्वा, -सेव्य, ib.), to dwell or stay near or in (loc.), [ŚBr.] ; to remain or stay at, live in, frequent, haunt, inhabit, resort to (acc.), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to serve, wait or attend upon, honour, obey, worship, ib.; to cherish, foster (a child), [Kathās.] ; to present with (instr.), [Ragh.] ; to enjoy sexually, have sexual intercourse with (acc.), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to refresh by soft breezes, fan (said of the wind), [R.] ; [Kālid.] ; [Pañcat.] ; to devote or apply one's self to, cultivate, study, practise, use, employ, perform, do, [RV.] &c. &c.; to exist or be found in anything (acc.), [R.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Kathās.] : Pass.सेव्यते, to be followed or served &c., [MBh.] : Caus.सेवयति (aor.असिषेवत्), to attend upon, serve, honour, [Hit.] ; to tend, cherish (plants), [Bhartṛ.] : Desid. of Caus. see सिसेवयिषु: Desid.सिसेविषते, °तिGr.: Intens.सेषेव्यते, ib. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 सेव् The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | सेव् [sēv] 1 Ā. (सेवते, सेवित; caus. सेवयति-ते; desid. सिसे- विषते; the स् of सेव् is generally changed to ष् after prepositions ending in इ such as नि, परि, वि) To serve, wait or attend upon, honour, worship, obey; प्रायो भृत्यास्त्यजन्ति प्रचलितविभवं स्वामिनं सेवमानाः [Mu.4.21;] आचार- पूतं पवनः सिषेवे [R.2.13.] 'served or refreshed'; ऐश्वर्यादन- पेतमीश्वरमयं लोकोऽर्थतः सेवते [Mu.1.14.] To go after, pursue, follow. To use, enjoy; किं सेव्यते सुमनसां मनसापि गन्धः कस्तूरिकाजननशक्तिभृता मृगेण [R. G.] To enjoy carnally; केतकीं सेवसे हन्त कथं रोलम्ब निस्त्रपः [Bv.1.118.] To attach or devote oneself to, attend to, cultivate, practice, perform; विद्वद्भिः सेवितः (धर्मः) [Ms.2.1;] त्वया मनोनिर्विषयार्थ- कामया यदेक एव प्रतिगृह्य सेव्यते [Ku.5.38;] [R.17.49.] To resort to, betake oneself to, dwell in, frequent, inhabit; तप्तं वारि विहाय तीरनलिनीं कारण्डवः सेवते [V.2.23;] [Pt.1.9.] To watch over, guard, protect. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 सेव् Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ r. 1st cl. (सेवते)सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 1. To serve, to gratify by service.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 2. To follow.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 3. To use, to enjoy.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 4. To attend to, to cultivate, to perform.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 5. To enjoy, (sexually.)सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 6. To dwell in, to frequent.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 7. To watch over.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ With आ,सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 1. To enjoy.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 2. To practise.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ With उप,सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 1. To apply oneself to.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 2. To perform.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 3. To enjoy.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 4. To serve. With नि,सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 1. To pursue.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 2. To practise.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 3. To employ.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 4. To enjoy.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 5. To inhabit.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 6. To observe.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ 7. To attend.सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ With परि, To take; preferably षेवृ . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 सेव् संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit | | see : कामय, पूजय, पूजय, पूज् Related Words सेव् worship संनिषेवित सिषेवयिषु शेव् खेव् उपनिषेव् परिनिषेव् पेब् पेव् bask केव् ग्लेव् विषेव् गेव् निषेवन समासेवन समासेवित संसेवित प्लेव् निषेवणीय bestow ones self सेव्यमान fornicate उपसेवन संसेवन परिषेव् buckle to warm aptend rusticate revel निषेवित disuse सेवनम् frequent wait heed inhabit practise used dine commemorate addict haunt regard trifle सेवनीय pursue resort enjoy fond employ nurse obey prosecute सेवित sea seclude refine revere riot honor निषेव् bestow disobey disregard drink cultivate सेव retire follow hire treat minister सेवक use respect exercise observe court aim smoke entertain honour indulge celebrate luxury dwell सेव्य engage affect rent suffer poison सेवन serve take keep fail Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP