साम्य n. n. (
fr. 2.सम) equality, evenness, equilibrium, equipoise, equal or normal state (
acc. with √
नी, ‘to bring to that
st° ’, ‘calm’),
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c.
सह likeness, sameness, identity with (
instr. with and without , or
gen. , or
loc. , or
comp. ),
[MuṇḍUp.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
equality of rank or position,
[Mn.] ;
[Yājñ.] ;
[VarBṛS.] homogeneousness (of sounds),
[Vop.] measure, time,
[MBh.] प्रति equability towards (
loc. or ), impartiality, indifference,
[Bhag.] ;
[Kum.] ;
[BhP.] साम्यम्-√ कृ justice (, ‘to act justly towards [loc.]’),
[MBh.] शल्या v.l. for ,
[Kāvyâd. i, 39.]