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   { saṃhata }
Script: Devanagari


संहत (सो. सह.) n.  एक राजा, जो सांची (सांहजनि) नगरी का संस्थापक माना जाता है । भागवत, विष्णु एवं वायु में इसे क्रमशः ‘साहंजि’ एवं ‘संजेय’ कहा गया है । हरिवंश में इसे ‘साहंजि’ कहा गया है [ह. वं. १.३३.४] ; साहंजि देखिये । मत्स्य में इसे कुंति राजा का पुत्र कहा गया है [मत्स्य. ४३.९]


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English
saṃhata p S Compact, compressed, close-joined: also close-set, thick-set, strong-knit. 2 Collected together.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English
  Compact. Collected together. Organised. United.


धावि . १ संघटित ; गुंफलेला ; सांधलेला ; जोडलेला . २ एकत्र केलेला ; एकवटलेला ; गोळा केलेला . [ सं . सम् ‍ + हन् ‍ - हत ]
०जानु   जानुक - वि . गुडघे जुळलेला ; ढोंपरें एकत्र केलेला ; संहति - स्त्री . १ संघ ; समुच्चय ; एकत्रितता . २ जोड ; मिलाफ ; जूट .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
सं-हत  mfn. mfn. struck together, closely joined or united with (instr.), keeping together, contiguous, coherent, combined, compacted, forming one mass or body, [ĀśvŚr.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
सं हत
accompanied or attended by (instr.), [Mn. vii, 165]
become solid, compact, firm, hard, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
strong-limbed, athletic, [MBh.]
strong, intensive, [VarBṛS.]
(prob.) complex, composite, compound (said of a partic. tone and odour), [MBh.]
struck, hurt, wounded, killed, [W.]
सं-हत  n. n. a partic. position in dancing, [Saṃgīt.]
सं हत


संहत [saṃhata] p.p. p.  p. p.
Struck together, wounded.
Closed, shut; मैथिलः श्रुतदेवश्च युगपत् संहताञ्जली [Bhāg.1.86.25.]
Well-knit, firmly united.
Closely joined or allied; नसंहतास्तस्य नभिन्नवृत्तयः [Ki.1.19.]
Compact, firm, solid; ततो जज्ञे मांसपेशी लोहाष्ठीलेव संहता [Mb.1.115.12.]
Combined, joined, keeping together, being in a body, being very close; जालमादाय गच्छन्ति संहताः पक्षिणोऽप्यमी [Pt.2.8;5.] 11; [H.1.34.]
Of one accord.
Assembled, collected.
Composite, compound (said of a kind of odour); इष्टश्चानिष्टगन्धश्च ...... संहतः स्निग्धः [Mb.12.184.28] (com. संहतश्चित्रगन्धोऽनेकद्रव्यकल्कगतः).
Strong-limbed, athletic.
Killed. -Comp.
-जानु a.  a. knock-kneed.
-भ्रू a.  a. knitting the eyebrows.
-स्तनी   a woman whose breasts are very close to each other.
-हस्त a.  a. holding each other by the hand.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
संहत  mfn.  (-तः-ता-तं)
1. Strong-knit, well-limbed.
2. Compact, close. 3. Joined, attached or approximated to.
4. Closed, shut.
5. Col- lected, assembled.
6. Struck, hurt, wounded, killed.
7. Acting or making effort together, combining, combined.
8. Closely allied.
E. सम् with, together with, हन् to hurt or strike, aff. क्त .
सम् हन् क्त .


See : घन, अविस्तृत, निबिड, सम्मिलित

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