प्राप्तिः [prāptiḥ] f. f.
Obtaining, acquisition gain, attainment, profit; द्रव्य˚, यशः˚, सुख˚ &c.; अप्राप्तस्यैव या प्राप्तिः सैव संयोग उच्यते
[Bhāṣā. P.] Reaching or attaining to.
Arrival, coming to.
Finding, meeting with.
Range, reach.
A guess, conjecture.
Lot, share, portion.
Fortune, luck.
Rise, production.
The power of obtaining anything (one of the eight Siddhis, q. v.).
Union, collection (संहति).
The result of actions done in a former life.
Fate, destiny; पक्षिणां तदपि प्राप्त्या नादत्तमुपतिष्ठति
[Pt.2.127.] Being valid, holding good, application (as of a rule).
The successful termination of a plot (सुखागम).
(In Rhet.) A conjecture based on the observation of a particular thing.
(In astrol.) N. of the 11th lunar mansion.-Comp.
-आशा the hope of obtaining anything (regarded as part of the development of the plot of a play); उपायापायशङ्काभ्यां प्राप्त्याशा प्राप्तिसंभवा
[S. D.6.] -समम् a particular Jāti in