Dictionaries | References


   { prāptiḥ, prāpti }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
PRĀPTI   A wife of Kaṁsa. Kaṁsa had two wives and the other was called Asti. [10th Skandha, Bhāgavata] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  प्राप्त होने, हाथ में आने या मिलने की क्रिया या भाव   Ex. उसे पुत्र रत्न की प्राप्ति हुई ।
कार्य (Action)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  आठ सिद्धियों में से एक   Ex. प्राप्ति के प्राप्त होने पर मनुष्य को इच्छित वस्तु मिलती है ।
अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)



A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   gain, profit, acquisition. 2 Acquiredness, acquired or got state. 3 arising or happening unto, befalling, betiding. 4 one of the eight superhuman faculties,--that of obtaining everything. 5 freely. attainment, advancement achieved, competency or qualification accomplished or reached. Ex. मजबरोबर बोलायाला त्याची काय प्राप्ति? नांवानें वाघमारी पण वाघापुढें जायाला काय तुझी प्राप्ति? see प्राज्ञा and the group under किम्मत.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  f  gain, profit. Acquiredness. Befalling. attainment.


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
 noun  प्राप्त हुने, हातमा उआने या भेट्ने क्रिया   Ex. उसलाई पुत्र रत्‍न प्राप्ति भयो
कार्य (Action)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्राप्ति  f. f. advent, occurrence, [AV.] ; [Yājñ.] ; [Pañcat.]
   reach, range, extent, [Sūryas.]
   reaching, arrival at (comp.), [R.]
   the power (of the wind) to enter or penetrate everywhere, [BhP.]
   the power of obtaining everything (one of the 8 superhuman faculties), [MārkP.] ; [Vet.] ; [MWB. 245]
   saving, rescue or deliverance from (abl.), [Ratnâv.]
   attaining to, obtaining, meeting with, finding, acquisition, gain, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   the being met with or found, [Nyāyas.] Sch.
   discovery, determination, [Sūryas.]
   obtainment, validity, holding good (of a rule), KātyŚr.; [Pāṇ.] ; [APrāt.]
   (in dram.) a joyful event, successful termination of a plot ([Daśar.] )
   a conjecture based on the observation of a particular thing, [Sāh.]
   lot, fortune, luck, [ŚvetUp.] ; [MBh.]
   (in astrol.) N. of the 11th lunar mansion, [Var.]
संहति   a collection (= ), [L.]
   N. of the wife of शम (son of धर्म), [MBh.]
   of a daughter of जरा-संध, [Hariv.] ; [Pur.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्राप्तिः [prāptiḥ]  f. f.
   Obtaining, acquisition gain, attainment, profit; द्रव्य˚, यशः˚, सुख˚ &c.; अप्राप्तस्यैव या प्राप्तिः सैव संयोग उच्यते [Bhāṣā. P.]
   reaching or attaining to.
   arrival, coming to.
   finding, meeting with.
   range, reach.
   A guess, conjecture.
   lot, share, portion.
   fortune, luck.
   rise, production.
   The power of obtaining anything (one of the eight Siddhis, q. v.).
   union, collection (संहति).
   The result of actions done in a former life.
   fate, destiny; पक्षिणां तदपि प्राप्त्या नादत्तमुपतिष्ठति [Pt.2.127.]
   being valid, holding good, application (as of a rule).
   The successful termination of a plot (सुखागम).
   (In Rhet.) A conjecture based on the observation of a particular thing.
   (In astrol.) N. of the 11th lunar mansion.-Comp.
-आशा   the hope of obtaining anything (regarded as part of the development of the plot of a play); उपायापायशङ्काभ्यां प्राप्त्याशा प्राप्तिसंभवा [S. D.6.] -समम् a particular Jāti in [Nyāya.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्राप्ति  f.  (-प्तिः)
   1. gain, profit.
   2. acquiring, getting, obtaining.
   2. Im- provement, success.
   4. rise, ascent.
   5. collection, assemblage, quantity.
   6. happy denouement, successful termination of a plot. 7. Guessing, discovering from a hint.
   8. one of the eight super- human faculties, the power of obtaining everything.
   E. प्र before, आप् to get or obtain, aff. क्तिन् .
प्र आप् क्तिन् .

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