Dictionaries | References


   { ni }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A particle and prefix implying certainty, absoluteness; and negation or privation; also of an enhancing power. it is frequently redundant. The numerous words following will abundantly exemplify it.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
 ind   A particle and prefix implying certainty, absoluteness; and negation or privation; also of an enhancing power. The numerous words following will abundantly exemplify it.


 अ.  एक उपसर्ग . याचे कांही अर्थःखातरी ; निखालसपणा . २ नकार ; अभाव ; राहित्य . जसे निकोप ; निकामी . ३ अतिशयिता . जसेः - निमग्न ; इ० कधी हा उपसर्ग निरर्थक , अनवश्यक असाहि लागतो . [ सं . निर ]
 अ.  अन ; आणि . तो नि तो बाजारांत गेले . तो आत्माशंभू नि सोडविला । - माज्ञा १७ . २ .


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
 adjective  जसलाई वा जसमा सङ्कोच हुँदैन   Ex. उसले निःसंकोच मनबाट सबैथोक भन्दियो
गुणसूचक (Qualitative)विवरणात्मक (Descriptive)विशेषण (Adjective)
kanನಾಚಿಕೆ ಇಲ್ಲದೆ
kasآزاد , بےٚ تَکَلُف , تَکَلُف روٚس , تَکَلُف بَغٲر
kokदुबावा विरयत
urdبےتکلف , بےدھڑک , بےساختہ , بےجھجک


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नि  n. 1.ind. down, back, in, into, within (except, [AV. x, 8, 7] always prefixed either to verbs or to nouns; in the latter case it has also the meaning of negation or privation [cf.down-hearted’ = heartless]; sometimes w.r. for निस्)
क्षेप   it may also express , दान, उप-रम, आ-श्रय, मोक्ष &c., [L.]
नि   [cf.Zd.ni; Gk.ἐ-νί; Slav.ni-zu;germ., ni-dar, ni-der, nieder; Angl.Sax.ni-ther, Eng.ne-ther, be-neath.]
नि  mfn. 2. (for नी) mfn. see ऋत-नि॑.
नि   3. (in music) the 7th note (for निषध).


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नि [ni]   ind. (mostly used as a prefix to verbs and nouns, rarely as an adverb or preposition. it is used in the following senses (according to G. M.):
   lowness, downward motion ('down', 'under', 'below'); निपत् निषद्.
   A group or collection; निकर, निकाय.
   intensity; निकाम, निगृहीत.
   command, order; निदेशः
   continuance, permanence; निविशते.
   skill; निपुण.
   restraint, confinement; निबन्ध.
   inclusion ('into', 'in'); निपीतमुदकम्.
   proximity, nearness; निकट.
   insult, wrong, harm; निकृति, निकार.
   showing; निदर्शन.
   cessation; निवृत्.
   resort, refuge; निलय.
   Throwing. giving &c. (according to Durgādāsa).
   निमिच्छति- निर्मिच्छति To perform Nīrājana or the ceremonial waving of lights round an object of worship or an idol; also round a person or horses or elephants as an auspicious act; कुरुते तमेव निमिच्छ्य देवः सफलं स जन्म [N.7.43.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नि   ind.
   1. In, within; on, upon: a particle and prefix.
   2. A negative or prohibitive particle.
   3. A particle implying certainty, affirma- tion, proximity, continuance, doubt, intensity, fulness, lowness, order, skill, wrong, group, &c. see the following compounds.
नि(नी)वार  m.  (-रः)
नि(नी)वार   1. hindering, opposition, impediment.
नि(नी)वार   2. name of the grain so called.
नि(नी)वार   E. नि prefix, वॄ to screen, घञ्. aff.
नि वॄ घञ्
नि(श्)श्वसन  n.  (-नं)
नि(श्)श्वसन   1. breathing out, expiration.
नि(श्)श्वसन   2. sighing.
नि(श्)श्वसन   E. निर् and असन breathing.
नि(श्)श्वास  m.  (-सः)
नि(श्)श्वास   1. breath expired, breathing out, expiration.
नि(श्)श्वास   E. निर् out, and श्वास breath.
निर् श्वास

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