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   { dvīpḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  चारों ओर जल से घिरा हुआ वह स्थल या जमीन जो महाद्वीप से छोटा हो   Ex. समुद्र में छोटे-बड़े कई द्वीप हैं ।
भौतिक स्थान (Physical place)place)">स्थान (place)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdجزیرہ , ٹاپو


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   . The word is applied particularly to the seven grand divisions of the earth, each being surrounded by a sea; and the central division जंबु or the known continent is again portioned into ten divisions, likewise termed द्वीप. see सप्तद्वीप.


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
   see : बेट


  न. बेट ; सर्व बाजूंनी पाणी असलेली कोणतीहि जमीन . २ पृथ्वीच्या सात मोठ्या भागानाहि म्हणतात . त्या पैकी जंबु द्वीपाचे दहा भाग केलेले आहेत . सप्तद्वीप पहा . [ सं . द्वि + अप ]
०कल्प  पु. तीन बाजूंनी पाणी असलेली जमीन .


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
   see : टापु


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
द्वीप   a &c. see s.v.
द्वीप  mn. bmn. (fr.द्वि + अप्, 74; 6-3, 97">[Pāṇ. 5-4, 74; 6-3, 97] ) an island, peninsula, sandbank, [RV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [MBh.] &c.
अयं द्वीपः   a division of the terrestrial world (either 7 [जम्बु, प्लक्ष or गो-मेदक, शाल्मली, कुश, क्रौञ्च, शाक and पुष्कर, vi, 604 &c.">[MBh. vi, 604 &c.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Pur.] &c.] or 4 [भद्राश्व, केतु-माल, जम्बु-द्वीप and उत्तराःकुरवः, vi, 208">[MBh. vi, 208] ; [Hariv.] ; [Kāv.] &c. cf.[Dharmas. cxx] ] or 13 [the latter four + 9, other words. From Latin videlicet">viz.इन्द्र-द्वीप, कशेरू-मत्, ताम्र-वर्ण, गभस्ति-मत्, नाग-द्वीप, सौम्य, गान्धर्व, वरुण and भारत, which are enumerated, ii, 3, 6; 7">[VP. ii, 3, 6;  7] , as forming भारत-वर्ष] or 18 [among which the उप-द्वीपs are said to be included, [Naiṣ. i, 5] Sch.]; they are situated round the mountain मेरु, and separated from each other by distinct concentric circumambient oceans; = जम्बु-द्व्°, 16, 5 or">---13--- = भारत-द्व्°, ii, 3, 7">[VP. ii, 3, 7] )
द्वीप  m. m. place of refuge, shelter, protection or protector, ---15--- ; ---16---
   a tiger's skin, [L.]
-सम्भव   cubebs, ---18--- (cf.).


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
द्वीपः [dvīpḥ] पम् [pam]   पम् [द्विर्गता द्वयोर्दिशोर्वा गता आपो यत्र; द्वि-अप्, अप ईप्]
   An island.
   A place of refuge, shelter, protection.
   A division of the terrestrial world; (the number of these divisions varies according to different authorities, being four, seven, nine or thirteen, all situated round the mountain meru like the petals of a lotus flower, and each being separated from the other by a distinct ocean. [In [N. 1.5] the Dvīpas are said to be eighteen; but seven appears to be the usual number: जम्बु, प्लक्ष, शाल्मलि, कुश, क्रौञ्च, शाक and पुष्कर; cf. [Bhāg.5.1.32;] [R.1.65;] and पुरा सप्तदीपां जयति वसुधामप्रतिरथः [Ś.7.33.] The central one is जम्बुद्वीप in which is included भरतखण्ड or india.]
-पम्   The skin of a tiger. -Comp.
-कर्पूरः   camphor from china.
-वासिन्   The bird खञ्जरीट.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
द्वीप  mn.  (-पः-पं)
   1. An island, any land surrounded by water; the word is henco applied to the seven grand divisions of the terrestrial world, each of these being separated from the next, by a peculiar and circumambient ecean: the seven Dwīpas, reckon- ing from the central one are, Jambu, Kusa, Plaksha, Sālmalī, Krauncha, Sāka, and Pushkara: the central Dwīpa, or the known continent, is again portioned into ten divisions, likewise termed Dwīpas: viz. kuru, Chandra, varuna, Saumya, naga, Kumārikā, Gabhastiman, Tāmrāpurna, Kaseru and indra.
   2. A tiger's skin.
   E. द्वि two, (on both sides,) and आप water, dropped and made long. द्विर्गता द्वयो र्वा दिशोर्गता आपोऽत्र . अ० समा० .
द्वि आप द्विर्गता द्वयो र्वा दिशोर्गता आपोऽत्र . अ० समा० .

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