आद्य mfn. 1.mf(आ)n. ([[Pāṇ. 4-3, 54] ]) being at the beginning, first, primitive, KātyŚr.; [Hit.] ; [Śak.] &c. °आदि end of a compound.*">ifc. (= q.v. ), 50, 63, &c.">[Mn. i, 50, 63, &c.] एकादशाद्य immediately preceding (e.g. , immediately before the eleventh i.e. the tenth), earlier, older being at the head, unparalleled, unprecedented, excellent, xix, 22, 1">[AV. xix, 22, 1] ; [MBh.] आद्य m. m. pl. a class of deities, iii, 1, 27">[VP. iii, 1, 27] ; [Hariv.] आद्य (for 2.आद्य॒ see s.v. ) आद्य mfn. 2.mf(आ)n. (√ अद्), to be eaten, edible, viii, 2, 19">[AV. viii, 2, 19] आद्य n. n. food grain, [L.]