तीक्ष्ण mfn. mf(आ॑)n. (√ तिज्) sharp, hot, pungent, fiery, acid, 87, 9">[RV. x, 87, 9] ; [AV.] &c. harsh, rough, rude, vii, 140">[Mn. vii, 140] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [VarBṛS.] sharp, keen, ii, 109">[Śiś. ii, 109] ; [Pāṇ. 5-2, 76] ; [Kāś.] zealous, vehement, [L.] self-abandoning, ---10--- गति (with , ‘a planet's course’, or नक्षत्र ‘asterism’) inauspicious, vii, 8 and 10">---11--- iic, 7(asterisms मूल, आर्द्रा, ज्येष्ठा, आ-श्लेषा) तीक्ष्ण m. m. nitre, ---12--- -तण्डुला = , [Npr.] black pepper, ib. black mustard, ib. -गन्धक = , ib. -सारा = , ib. marjoram, ib. white कुश or दर्भ grass, ib. the resin of Boswellia thurifera, ib. an ascetic, [L.] अश्वादि (g. ) N. of a man, viii, 1742 f.">[Rājat. viii, 1742 f.] of a नाग, [Buddh.] ; [L.] तीक्ष्ण n. n.pl. sharp language, ii, 35, 33">[R. ii, 35, 33] ; xxxiv, 46">[MārkP. xxxiv, 46] -वर्मन् sg. steel (cf. ), [Npr.] iron, [L.] any weapon, [L.] Sch. sea-salt, [L.] nitre, [L.] Galmei, [Npr.] poison, [L.] bignonia suaveolens">bignonia suaveolens, [L.] piper Chaba">piper Chaba, [L.] Asa foetida, [Npr.] battle, [L.] pestilence, [L.] death, [L.] Sch. heat, pungency, ---33--- haste, [W.]