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   { pathin }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पथिन्  m. m. (strong stem प॑न्थन्, older प॑न्था; middle पथि॑; weak पथ्; sg.प॑न्थास् (nom.voc.), प॑न्थानम् [प॑न्थाम्, [RV.] ; [AV.] ]; पथा॑, °थे॑, °थ॑स्, °थि॑; du.प॑न्थानौ, पथि॑भ्याम्, पथो॑स्; pl.प॑न्थानस् [प॑न्थास्, °थासस्, [RV.] ; पथ॑यस्, [Br.] ]; पथ॑स् [पाथ॑स्, ii, 2, 4">[RV. ii, 2, 4] , perhaps gen. sg.?]; पथि॑भिस्, °भ्यस्; पथा॑म् [°थीना॑म्, [RV.] ; [AV.] ]; पथि॑षु; cf.85 &amp;c.">[Pāṇ. 7-1, 85 &c.] ) a way, path, road, course (lit. and fig.; पन्थानं-√ दा, with gen. to cede the way to; पथा-नेन, ‘in this or manner’, पथि नि-√ अस् see under न्य्-अस्), [RV.] &c. &c.<br>कर्ण   range, reach (cf.-, दर्शन- &c.)<br>   sect, doctrine, [L.] <br>   a division of hell, iv, 90">[Mn. iv, 90] <br>   N. of a teacher with the patr.सौभर, [BṛĀrUp.] <br>पथिन्   [cf.पथ; Zd.word is part of Etymology of ">panthan; Gk.πάτος; Lat.word is part of Etymology of ">pont-em; old Pruss.word is part of Etymology of ">pintis; Slav.word is part of Etymology of ">patĭ]<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पथिन् [pathin]  m. m. [पथ्-आधारे इनि] (Nom. पन्थाः, पन्थानौ, पन्थानः; acc. pl. पथः; instr. pl. पथिभिः &c.; the word is changed to पथ at the end of comp.; तोयाधारपथः, दृष्टिपथः, नष्टपथः, सत्पथः, प्रतिपथम् &c.)<br>   A road, way, path; श्रेयसामेष पन्थाः [Bh.2.26;] वक्रः पन्थाः [Me.27.] <br>   journey, way-faring, as in शिवास्ते सन्तु पन्थानः '(I wish) a happy journey to you ! god speed you on your journey !'<br>   range, reach; as in कर्णपथ, श्रुति˚, दर्शन˚.<br>   manner of action, line of conduct, course of behaviour; पथः शुचेर्दर्शयितार ईश्वरा मलीमसामाददते न पद्धतिम् [R.3.46;] न्याय्यात् पथः प्रविचलन्ति पदं न धीराः [Bh.2.83.] <br>   A sect, doctrine.<br>   A division of hell; [Ms.4.9.] -Comp.<br>-अशनम्, -आदेनः   provender for a journey; viaticum.<br>-कृत्  m. m. Ved.<br>   a guide.<br>  N. N. of agni.<br>-देयम्   a toll levied on public roads.<br>-द्रुमः   the Khadira tree.<br>-प्रज्ञ a.  a. acquainted with roads.<br>-वाहक a.  a. cruel.<br>   (कः) a hunter, fowler.<br>   a burden bearer, porter.<br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पथिन्  m.  (पन्था)<br>   1. A road, a way.<br>   2. sect, doctrine, path in morals or religion.<br>   3. A division of hell.<br>   4. A journey.<br>   5. course of manner or action.<br>   E. पथ् to go, इन् Unādi aff.; the noun is irregu- larly inflected.<br>

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