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   { pañcama }
Script: Devanagari


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पञ्चम  mfn. mf()n. the fifth, [VS.] ; [AV.] &c. &c. (cf.[Pāṇ. 5-2, 49] )
अंश   forming the 5th part (with or sc. = 1/5), [TBr.] ; [Mn.] &c.
रुचिर   = or दक्ष, [L.]
पञ्चम  m. m. (in music) the 5th (later 7th) note of the gamut (supposed to be produced by the air drawn from 5 parts of the body), [MBh.] ; [Sāh.]
-राग   = , [Gīt.]
   the 21st कल्प (called after the musical note), [VāyuP.]
   the 5th consonant of a वर्ग (i.e. the nasal), [VPrāt.] ; [Pāṇ.] Sch.
   epithet).">N. of a मुनि, [Cat.]
पञ्चम  n. n. the fifth part, 1/5 (cf. above and, [Pāṇ. 5-3, 49] )
पञ्च-तत्त्व   copulation (as the 5th of the तत्त्वs of the तान्त्रिकs; cf.)


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पञ्चम [pañcama] a.  a. (-भी f.) The fifth.
   forming a fifth part.
   dexterous, clever.
   beautiful, brilliant.
   मः The fifth (or in later times the seventh) note of the indian gamut; it is said to be produced by the cuckoo (कोकिलो रौति पञ्चमम् Nārada), and is so called because it is produced from 5 parts of the body: वायुः समुद्गतो नाभेरुरोहृत्कण्ठमूर्धसु । विचरन् पञ्चमस्थानप्राप्त्या पञ्चम उच्यते ॥.
  N. N. of a Rāga or musical mode (sung in the above note); व्यथयति वृथा मौनं तन्वि प्रपञ्चय पञ्चमम् [Gīt.1;] so उदञ्चितपञ्चमरागम् [Gīt.1.]
   The fifth consonant of a class; i. e. a nasal.
   मम् A fifth.
   sexual intercourse (मैथुन), the fifth मकार of the Tāntrikas. -मम्ind. For the fifth time, fifthly; [Ms.8.125.]
   मी The fifth day of a lunar fortnight.
   The ablative case (in gram.).
   An epithet of Draupadī.
   A chequered board for playing at draughts. -Comp.
-आस्यः   the cuckoo.
-स्वरम्  N. N. of a metre; [P. R.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पञ्चम  mfn.  (-मः-मी-मं)
   1. fifth.
   2. beautiful, pleasing.
   3. dexterous, cle- ver.
  m.  (-मः)
   1. The fifth note of the hindu musical scale. it is called Panchama, from being said to be formed by air drawn from five places; the navel, the breast, the heart, the throat, and forehead.
   2. one of the RĀGAS or modes of music.
  f.  (-मी)
   1. A name of DRAUPADĪ, the wife of the five Pāndus.
   2. A che- quered cloth for playing at draughts, &c. a chess board.
   3. The fifth day of a half month.
   4. The ablative case, (in gram.)
  n.  (-मं)
   1. The fifth.
   2. sexual intercourse.
   E. पञ्चन् five, and डटि aff. with मट augment; or पञ्चपतीन् मिनोति वध्नाति प्रेम्णा . मी-वन्धे .
पञ्चन् डटि मट पञ्चपतीन् मिनोति वध्नाति प्रेम्णा . मी-वन्धे .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 adjective  यः गणनायां चतुर्थाद् अनन्तरम् षष्ठात् पूर्वम् आगच्छति।   Ex. यः पङ्क्त्यां वामतः पञ्चमे आसने उपविष्टः अस्ति तस्मै आह्वय।
संख्यासूचक (Numeral)विवरणात्मक (Descriptive)विशेषण (Adjective)

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