Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पञ्च—मास्य  mfn. amfn. (for 2. see under पञ्चम) happening every 5 months or containing 5 months, [AitBr.]
पञ्चमास्य  m. bm. (for 1. see p. 577, col. 1) the indian cuckoo or Koil (as producing the 5th note of the scale with its mouth or throat), [L.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पञ्चमास्य  m.  (-स्यः) The Kokila or indian cuckoo.
   E. पञ्चम, the musical note, and आस्य mouth.

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