Dictionaries | References


   { ātmanā }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आत्मना   instr. of आत्मन्, in comp. ([but not in a बहुव्रीहि]) with ordinals, [Pāṇ. 6-3, 6] (cf. the बहुव्रीहि compounds आत्म-चतुर्थ, and -पञ्चम.)


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आत्मना [ātmanā]   ind. (instr. of आत्मन्) used reflexively; अथ चास्तमिता त्वमात्मना [R.8.51] thou thyself; आत्मना शुकनासमादाय [K.293.] it is oft. compounded with ordinal numerals; e. g. ˚द्वितीयः second including himself,i. e. himself and one more; so ˚तृतीयः himself with two others; ˚सप्तमः being oneself the seventh; आत्मना सप्तमो राजा निर्ययौ गजसाह्वयात् [Mb.17.1.25.]

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