Dictionaries | References ग ग्राम्य { grāmya } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ग्राम्य हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | see : ग्रामीण, ग्रामीण, ग्रामीण Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ग्राम्य A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | village-born; produced in or relating to a village. 2 rustic, homely, clownish, vulgar. 3 tame--animals, opp. to wild: cultivated--products of the ground, opp. to natural. 4 used of the Prákrit and the other dialects of india as contrad. from the sanskrit. 5 secular, engaged in worldly business: opp. to वन्य living in wilds. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ग्राम्य Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | a Villageborn, rustic. tame. secular, not वन्य. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ग्राम्य मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi Marathi | | see : असभ्य Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ग्राम्य A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | ग्रा—°म्य a (accord. to some also) venereal disease, [Kauś.] ROOTS:ग्रा °म्यग्राम्य mfn. bmfn. ([Pāṇ. 4-2, 94] ) used or produced in a village, [TS. v] ; vii, 7, 1">[AitBr. vii, 7, 1] ; [Kauś.] relating to villages, vii, 120">[Mn. vii, 120] prepared in a village (as food), ix, xii">[ŚBr. ix, xii] ; vi, 3">[Mn. vi, 3] वन्य living (in villages i.e.) among men, domesticated, tame (an animal), cultivated (a plant; opposed to or अरण्य, ‘wild’), 90, 8">[RV. x, 90, 8] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] &c. allowed in a village, relating to the sensual pleasures of a village, xii, 4069">[MBh. xii, 4069] ; iii f.">[R. iii f.] ; iv, vi">[BhP. iv, vi] rustic, vulgar (speech), ii, 1, 4">[Vām. ii, 1, 4] -ता (see and -त्व) ROOTS: ता relating to a musical scale, [W.] ग्राम्य m. m. a villager, ii, 166">[Yājñ. ii, 166] ; [MBh. xiii] ; [BhP.] &c.-मांस a domesticated animal see ROOTS: मांस°म-कोल = , [W.] ROOTS:°म कोलग्राम्य n. n. rustic or homely speech, [W.] the sanskrit Word">Prākṛt and the other dialects of india as contra-distinguished from the sanskrit Word">Sanskṛt, [W.] food prepared in a village, [MBh. i, 3637] ; xxii Sch.">KātyŚr. xxii Sch. sensual pleasure, sexual intercourse, ii, 2270">[MBh. ii, 2270] ; [BhP. iv] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ग्राम्य The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | ग्राम्य [grāmya] a. a. [ग्राम-यत्] relating to or used in a village; संत्यज्य ग्राम्यमाहारम् [Ms.6.3;7.12.] living in a village, rural, rustic; अल्पव्ययेन सुन्दरि ग्राम्यजनो मिष्टमश्नाति [Chand. M.1.] domesticated, tame (as an animal). cultivated (opp. वन्य 'growing wild'). low, vulgar, used only by low people (as a word); चुम्बनं देहि मे भार्ये कामचाण्डालतृप्तये R. G., or कटिस्ते हरते मनः [S. D.574,] are instances of ग्राम्य expressions; तस्मात्संप्रति- पत्तिरेव हि वरं न ग्राम्यमत्रोत्तरम् [Mu.5.18;] [Bhāg.5.2.17.] indecent, obscene. relating to sexual pleasures. relating to a musical scale. म्यः A villager; [Y.2.166.] A tame hog. The first two signs of the zodiac, aries and taurus.-म्या The indigo plant. म्यम् A rustic speech. food prepared in a village. sexual intercourse. acceptance. The Prakṛit and other dialects. -Comp.-अश्वः an ass.-कर्मन् n. the occupation of a villager sexual pleasure; ग्राम्यकर्मणैव विस्मृतकालावधिः [Bhāg.5.14.31.] -कुङ्कुमम् safflower. धर्मः the duty of a villager. sexual intercourse, copulation. the right of a villager (as opp. to that of a 'recluse').-धान्यम् crops growing in a village; दश ग्राम्याणि धान्यानि भवन्ति व्रीहियवा- स्तिलमाषा अणुप्रियङ्गवो गोधूमाश्च मसूराश्च खल्वाश्च खलकुलाश्च ... । [Bṛi. Up.6.3.13.] -पशुः a domestic animal; [Bhāg. 6.15.16.] -बुद्धि a. a. boorish, clownish, ignorant.-मृगः a dog; ग्राम्यमृग इव हविस्तदयं (न भजते) [Śi.15.15.] -वल्लभा a harlot, prostitute.-वादिन् m. m. a village bailiff; [Ts.] -सुखम् sexual intercourse, copulation; cf. अविदित्वा सुखं ग्राम्यं वैतृष्ण्यं नैति पूरुषः [Bhāg.9.18.4.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ग्राम्य Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | ग्राम्य mfn. (-म्यः-म्या-म्यं) 1. village-born, produced in or relating to a village. 2. vulgar, rude, rustic. 3. relating to a musical scale. m. (-म्यः) A hog, a tame or a village hog. n. (-म्यं) 1. rustic or homely speech. 2. The prakrit, and the other dialects of india, except the sanskrit. E. ग्राम and यत् aff. ROOTS:ग्राम यत् Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ग्राम्य संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit | | adjective यः ग्रामे वसति। Ex. ग्राम्याणां जनानां शिक्षा नगरस्थानां जनानाम् अपेक्षया अल्पतरा अस्ति। MODIFIES NOUN:युथः मनुष्यः ONTOLOGY:संबंधसूचक (Relational) ➜ विशेषण (Adjective) SYNONYM:ग्रामीण ग्रामिक ग्रामिन् ग्रामेचर ग्रामेय ग्रामीयWordnet:asmগাঁৱলীয়া gujગ્રામીણ hinग्रामीण kasگامٕکۍ kokगांवगिरे malഗ്രാമീണ marगावकरी mniꯈꯨꯡꯒꯪꯒꯤ꯭ꯑꯣꯏꯕ oriଗାଁଉଲି panਪੇਂਡੂ tamகிராமத்து telగ్రామీణ వాసులు urdدیہاتی , گنوار , ٔگاؤں والا see : ग्रामजात, ग्रामीय Related Words ग्राम्य rural గ్రామీణ వాసులు ग्रामीण गांवगिरे گامٕکۍ கிராமத்து গাঁৱলীয়া ਪੇਂਡੂ ଗାଁଉଲି ગ્રામીણ ಗ್ರಾಮೀಣ ഗ്രാമീണ rude villager गावकरी গ্রামবাসী गामियारि yokelish ill-bred underbred bounderish lowbred agrestic arcadian टमालणें शेम्न धरण फुटणें व्येखंड टंबलणें टमलणें टयांब टयाब रांडेचा उबारडेंग ओई ग्रामसुख ग्राम्यकर्क्कटी ग्राम्यधर्म्म ग्राम्यशूकर चुतियानंदन टबुका टबूक नरक तोंडांत सांठविणें कोमला रीति खंटणें ग्रामेचर ग्राम्यकन्द ग्राम्यकुङ्कुम ग्राम्यमांस ग्राम्याश्व घष्टें चुतबावळा चुतिया चुत्या चुत्यानंदन ठांगाळणें डेंगणे डेंगाळणे तंत्रपाठ म्हादवी ग्राम्यमृग बघणें देहाती chuckle vulgar अकुलज ग्राम्यसुख चोदणें ठेंगारणें boor lout chuff खुळ कुणबाऊ ग्रामीय ग्रामेय घसरपट्टी parochial चटार टांगळ टिकी ठेंगडा ठेंगाळणें ढेंढाळ ढेंढाळी भडुवा देव तशी पूजा आणि संगत तशी वागणूक clown सार्या रात सांगितली गीता, रातचा गोंधळ बरा होता कांठावर बसणें ग्रामिक ग्रामिन् शेंट्कूल impolite indelicate outlandish awkward छचोर ढेंडळ Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. 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