कोल m. (
1. A hog.
2. A raft, a float.
3. The haunch, the hip or flank.
4. Embracing, an embrace.
5. The planet Sani or SATURN.
6. Plumbago, (Zenlanica &c.)
7. A country, Kalinga, the modern sea coast from Cuttack to Madras.
8. A kind of weapon.
9. An outcast, one of a tribe degraded by SAGARA from the military order.
10. A man of a mixed caste.
11. A barbarian, a Kol, people inhabiting the hills and forests in Central India.
n. (
1. The fruit of the jujube.
2. The weight of one Tola.
3. Black pepper.
f. (
-ला or
-ली) 1. The jujube tree.
2. Long pepper.
3. A kind of pepper, (Piper chavya, Rox.)
E. कुल् to accumulate, affix