Dictionaries | References स संकीर्ण { saṅkīrṇa } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 संकीर्ण हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | see : घटिया, सँकरा, संकट, संकरित, संकुचित, संकर राग Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 संकीर्ण A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | saṅkīrṇa p S mixed or mingled; esp. in a tumultuous or confused manner. 2 crowded; covered or filled with a confused assemblage--a room or place. 3 compressed, contracted, shortened, narrowed, reduced within small compass. Ex. किं कृष्ण वेणी मूळ सं0 ॥ पुढें होत विशाळ पैं ॥. 4 diminished, dwindled, shrunken or sunken as to seem on the point of expiring;--as a flame, the soul, life. 5 Of mixed caste or blood. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 संकीर्ण Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | p mixed. crowded-a room or place. compressed, shortened. diminished, shrunken. miscellaneous. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 संकीर्ण मराठी पर्यायी शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | ना. एकत्रित , विविध प्रकार मिसळलेले , संमिश्रित . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 संकीर्ण महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | पु. १ ( ताल ) पहिला विभाग नियमानें नऊ मात्रांचा असणारा दक्षिणेकडील एक ताल . धावि . १ मिश्रित ; एकत्रित ; मिसळलेलें ; गोंधळ झालेलें . २ दाटी झालेलें ; गर्दीचें ; घोळका , गर्दी , दाटी झालेलें ( घर , खोली ). ३ संकलित ; एकवटलेलें . आरंभी पडिलीं होतीं तयाकरीं । संकीर्ण त्या नारीनर लोक । - तुगा ५४ . ४ आकुंचित ; थोडक्यांत आणलेलें ; संक्षिप्त . मूळ संकीर्ण कृष्णवेणी । - रावि २ . ५ क्षीण झालेलें ; र्हास पावलेलें ; अंधुक झालेलें ; अंतकाळचें ( ज्योति , जीव , प्राण ). अल्प ; थोडें . अन्नवस्त्र संकीर्ण घरीं । कुटुंब बहु आहे पदरीं । - भवि १८ . १३४ . ६ मिश्र जातीचा , रक्ताचा ; संकर झालेला ; कडू . [ सं . ] ७ ( संगीत ) अन्य रागांच्या मदतीनें रंजक होणारा ( राग ). Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 संकीर्ण A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | सं-कीर्ण a &c. see सं-√ कॄ. ROOTS:सं कीर्णसं-कीर्ण mfn. bmfn. poured together, mixed, commingled &c. ROOTS:सं कीर्ण crowded with, full of (comp.), [MBh.] joined or combined with (comp.), [Yājñ.] Sch. mingled, confused, disordered, adulterated, polluted, impure, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. born of a mixed marriage, [MBh.] mixed, miscellaneous, of various kinds, manifold, [Bhar.] ; [Daśar.] -नाग sprinkled (esp. with fluid-exudation, as a rutting elephant; but cf.), [L.] ROOTS: नाग contracted, narrow, [W.] scattered, strewed, spread, diffused, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.सं-कीर्ण m. m. a man of mixed caste, [Bhar.] ROOTS:सं कीर्ण (in music) a mixed note or mode-नाग = , [L.] ROOTS: नागसं-कील N. of an ancient sage (v.l.), [L.] ROOTS:सं कीलसं-कीर्ण n. n. confusion (in वाक्य-स्°q.v.) ROOTS:सं कीर्ण Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 संकीर्ण The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | संकीर्ण [saṅkīrṇa] p.p. p. p. p. mixed together, intermingled. confused, miscellaneous. shattered, spread, crowded. indistinct. In rut, intoxicated; मदोद्धतस्य नृपतेः संकीर्णस्येव दन्तिनः ... नेतारः खलु वाच्यताम् [H.4.17.] Of mixted caste, of impure origin. impure, adulterated; तस्मात् संकीर्णवृत्तेषु वासो मम न रोचते [Mb.1.79.9.] narrow, contracted. र्णः A man of a mixed caste. A mixed note or mode. An elephant in rut, an intoxicated elephant; name of the fourth caste of elephants; [Mātaṅga L.1.26,3.] -र्णम् A difficulty.-र्णा A kind of riddle; सा भवेदुभयच्छन्ना यस्यामुभयगोपनम् । संकीर्णा नाम सा यस्यां नानालक्षणसंकरः ॥ [Kāv.3.15.] -Comp.-जाति, योनि a. a. of mixed birth, of a mongrel breed (as a mule); impure through illegal intermarriage; संकीर्णयोनयो ये तु प्रतिलोमानुलोमजाः [Ms.1.25.] -युद्धम् a confused fight, melee. Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP