Dictionaries | References


   { śalākā }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
ŚALĀKĀ   wife of maharṣi Dhanañjaya, who belonged to Vasiṣṭha gotra. (For details see under Dhanañjaya V).


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  लिखने या चित्र आदि बनाने का एक नोकदार उपकरण   Ex. चित्रकार शलाका से चित्र बना रहा है ।
इत्यादि (ARTFCT)">मानवकृति (Artifact)इत्यादि (OBJCT)">वस्तु (Object)इत्यादि (INANI)">निर्जीव (Inanimate)इत्यादि (N)">संज्ञा (Noun)
urdپینٹ برش
   see : सरिया


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   , a straw, a reed, a little rod or pin, a piece of wire, a long, thin, and pointed body in general;--as a rib of an umbrella, a bar of a cage, a slip of bamboo used as a match, a fibrous stick used as a brush or pencil, a toothpick, a tent or probe, a fescue &c. &c.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  f  A spike. A long, thin and pointed body.


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  लिहिण्यासाठी किंवा चित्र इत्यादि काढण्याचे टोकदार उपकरण   Ex. चित्रकार शलाकेने चित्र काढत आहे.
इत्यादि (ARTFCT)">मानवकृति (Artifact)इत्यादि (OBJCT)">वस्तु (Object)इत्यादि (INANI)">निर्जीव (Inanimate)इत्यादि (N)">संज्ञा (Noun)
urdپینٹ برش


  स्त्री. सळई ; लांब बारीक खिळा ; टांचणी ; तारेचा तुकडा . २ काड ; भात्याण ; पेंढा . ३ कामटी ; काठी ; वेत . [ सं . ] ४ ( सामा . ) लांब , बारीक अणकुचीदार पदार्थ . ( उदा० छत्रीची काडी , गज इ० ) परीक्षा - स्त्री . एखाद्या विषयाचा अभ्यास केलेल्या इसमाची त्यानें अध्ययन केलेला ग्रंथ एखाद्या सळईनें उघडून कोठेंहि निघालेल्या पानावरील भागाचें त्यास स्पष्टीकरण करावयास सांगणें अशी विशिष्ट परीक्षापध्दति . [ सं . ]
०प्रश्न  पु. हातांत काडी , लेखणी , पेन्सिल वगैरे कांहींतरी घेऊन ती एखाद्या ग्रंथांत घालून जो श्लोक निघेल त्याच्या अर्थावरून प्रश्नाचें उत्तर काढण्याची पध्दति . [ सं . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शलाका  f. f. any small stake or stick, rod (for stirring &c.), twig (smeared with lime for catching birds), rib (of an umbrella), bar (of a cage or window), chip, splinter, splint, pencil (for painting or applying collyrium), [ŚBr.] &c. &c.
   a piece of bamboo (borne as a kind of credential by mendicants and marked with their name), [Buddh.]
   the quill of a porcupine, KātyŚr. Sch.
   an oblong quadrangular piece of ivory or bone (used in playing a partic. game), book or text' as the preceding">ib.
   a peg, pin, arrow-head, needle, a probe (used in surgery and sometimes taken as the also title or epithet).">N. of this branch of, surgery, [Suśr.] ), any pointed instrument, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [ŚārṅgS.]
रत्न-श्°   a sprout, sprig, shoot of any kind (see )
रत्न श्°
   a ruler, [W.]
   a toothpick or tooth-brush, [L.]
   a match or thin piece of wood (used for ignition by friction), [W.]
   a bone, [L.]
   a finger, toe, ---10--- ; [Yājñ.]
   a porcupine, [L.]
   a partic. thorny shrub, Vanguieria Spinosa, [L.]
   the सारिका bird, Turdus Salica, [L.]
   also title or epithet).">N. of a town, [R.]
शुभ्रादि   of a woman g..


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शलाका [śalākā]   [शल्-आकः [Uṇ.4.15] ]
   A small stick, peg, rod, pin, piece, thin bar (of anything); अयस्कान्तमणिशलाका [Māl.1.]
   A pencil, small stick (used in painting the eyes with collyrium); अज्ञानान्धस्य लोकस्य ज्ञानाञ्जन- शलाकया । चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै पाणिनये नमः ॥ [Śik.58;] [Ku.1.] 47; ययौ शलाकामपरा वहन्ती [R.7.8.]
   An arrow.
   A dart, javelin.
   A probe or a kind of pointed surgical instrument.
   A rib (as of an umbrella); न ते शतशलाकेन...छत्रेणाभिविराजते [Rām.2.26.1.]
   A bone (forming the root of the fingers and toes); पाणिपाद- शलाकाश्च तेषां स्थानचतुष्टयम् [Y.3.85.]
   A sprout, spring, shoot; उद्भिन्नया रत्नशलाकयेव [Ku.1.24.]
   A paint-brush.
   A tooth-brush, tooth-pick.
   A porcupine.
   An oblong piece of ivory or bone used in gambling.
   A ruler.
   The Sārikā bird.
   A peg, pin; ततोऽम्बष्ठोऽस्थिभेदिन्या निरभिद्यच्छलाकया [Mb.7.25.5.]
   bar (of a cage or window).
   A finger; शलाकानखपातैश्च (युद्धमभवत्) [Mb.4.13.29.] -Comp.
-धूर्तः   (forming शलाकधूर्तः) a swindler, sharper.
-परि   ind. an unlucky throw or movement of one of the pieces at a game played with Śalākās; cf. परि or अक्षपरि; ---10--- -परीक्षा the method of examining a student from a page whichever opened by a Śalākā inserted into a book.
-पुरुषाः  N. N. of 63 divine personages among Jainas.
-यन्त्रम्   (in surgery) a pointed instrument, probe.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शलाका  f.  (-का)
   1. A javelin, a dart.
   2. An arrow.
   3. A porcupine.
   4. The rib of an umbrella, the bar of a cage, &c., or any such small stake, rod, peg, or pin; it is applied also in common use, to a thin slip of bamboo, serving when tipped with sulphur for a match; to a round pointed piece of wood or bamboo serving as a toothpick; to a similar piece employed as a tent or probe, or to a larger one used as a ruler, &c.
   5. A bone.
   6. An oblong quadrangular piece of ivory or bone used in playing a particular game, a domino.
   7. A fibrous stick used as a brush or pencil.
   8. A thorny shrub, (Vangueria spinosa.)
   9. The Sārikā, (Turdus Gosalica, BUCH.) 10. A shoot, a sprout.
   E. शल् to go, Unādi aff. आकन् .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 noun  लेखने चित्रादीनां निर्माणे वा उपयुज्यमाना आलेख्यकूर्चिका।   Ex. चित्रकारः शलाकाम् उपयुज्य चित्रं निर्माति।
इत्यादि (ARTFCT)">मानवकृति (Artifact)इत्यादि (OBJCT)">वस्तु (Object)इत्यादि (INANI)">निर्जीव (Inanimate)इत्यादि (N)">संज्ञा (Noun)
urdپینٹ برش
 noun  सा कृशा दण्डिका यया दन्तानां परिष्कारः क्रियते।   Ex. पितामहः भोजनानन्तरं शलाकया दन्तान् परिष्करोति।
इत्यादि (ARTFCT)">मानवकृति (Artifact)इत्यादि (OBJCT)">वस्तु (Object)इत्यादि (INANI)">निर्जीव (Inanimate)इत्यादि (N)">संज्ञा (Noun)
bdहाथाय एरग्रा गन
kasدَنٛدٕ خٕلال
kokदांतांनी घालपाची काडी
urdخلال , دانت کھودنی
 noun  वंशस्य कृशा यष्टिः।   Ex. सः शलाकया पिटकः निर्माति।
इत्यादि (ARTFCT)">मानवकृति (Artifact)इत्यादि (OBJCT)">वस्तु (Object)इत्यादि (INANI)">निर्जीव (Inanimate)इत्यादि (N)">संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  धात्वादिभिः विनिर्मितः यष्टिः।   Ex. तेन हस्तेन शलाका वक्रीकृता।
इत्यादि (ARTFCT)">मानवकृति (Artifact)इत्यादि (OBJCT)">वस्तु (Object)इत्यादि (INANI)">निर्जीव (Inanimate)इत्यादि (N)">संज्ञा (Noun)
   see : अर्गला, अङ्गुलिः, आघर्षणी, शूलः, शल्यकण्ठः, दण्डः

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