उप-करण a &c. See
उप- √
उप-करण n. bn. the act of doing anything for another, doing a service or favour, helping, assisting, benefiting,
[Pañcat.] ;
[Sāh.] ;
[Subh.] &c.
instrument, implement, machine, engine, apparatus, paraphernalia (as the vessels at a sacrifice &c.),
[ŚāṅkhGṛ.] ;
[Yājñ.] ;
[Mn.] &c.
anything added over and above, contribution, expedient
means of subsistence, anything supporting life
any object of art or science
anything fabricated,
[Mn.] ;
[Suśr.] ;
[Kathās.] ;
[Car.] &c.
the insignia of royalty,
[W.] the attendants of a king,
[L.] कॄ (according to some also) heaping earth (
fr. √ ),