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   { dānam }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
DĀNAM   gift. In ancient india a spiritual significance was attached to dānam. (offering of a free gift). one who gave water was said to achieve contentment; one who gave food, eternal happiness; one who gave land, government of the country; one who gave gold would attain longevity; one who gave a house would get domestic felicity; one who gave silver would get physical beauty; one who gave clothes would reach candraloka; one who gave a horse would attain the world of the Aśvinīdevas; one who gave bulls would get prosperity; one who gave cows would reach sūryaloka; according to Manusmṛti. Vāridastṛptimāpnoti Sukhamakṣayyamannadaḥ / Tilapradaḥ prajāmiṣṭāṁ Dīpadaścakṣuruttamam // Bhūmido Bhūmimāpnoti Dīrghamāyur hiraṇyadaḥ / Gṛhadogryāṇi veśmāni Rūpyado rūpamuttamam // Vāsodaścandrasālokya- Maśvisālokyamaśvadaḥ / Anaḍuddaḥ Śriyampuṣṭām Godo bradhnasya viṣṭapam // [Manusmṛti, Chapter 4] . according to manu, the Ācārya, the rewards obtained by offering the following articles as “Dānam” are as follows:--
articles offered as Dānam -> reward obtained by dātā (giver).
vehicle-bed ->Virtuous wife.
refuge (shelter) ->prosperity.
corn ->eternal happiness.
Brahmajñāna ->Brahmasāyujya.
(see also Nakṣatrayoga and Merudāna).


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
दानम् [dānam]   [दा-ल्युट्]
   giving, granting, teaching, &c. (in general); giving in marriage (cf. कन्यादान).
   Delivering, handing over.
   A gift, donation, present; [Ms.2.158;] दातव्यमिति यद्दान दीयतेऽनुपकारिणे [Bg.17.2;] [Y.3.274.]
   liberality, charity, giving away as charity, munificence; [R.1.69;] दानं भोगो नाशस्तिस्रो गतयो भवन्ति वित्तस्य [Bh.2.43;] दानं हि उत्सर्गपूर्वकः परस्य स्वत्वसम्बन्धः ŚB. on [MS.4.1.3;] ननु दानमित्युच्यते स्वत्वनिवृत्तिः परस्वत्वा- पादनम् च । ŚB. on [MS.6.7.1.]
   ichor or the uicej that exudes from the temples of an elephant in rut; स दानतोयेन विषाणि नागः [Śi.4.63;] [Ki.5.9;] [V.4.25;] [Pt.2.75] (where the word has sense 4 also); [R.2.7;4.45;5.43.]
   bribery, as one of the four Upāyas or expedients of overcoming one's enemy; see उपाय.
   cutting, dividing.
   purification, cleaning.
   Adding; addition.
-नः   Ved.
   distribution (of food), meal, especially a sacrificial meal.
   part, possession, share.
   A distributor. -Comp.
-काम a.  a. liberal.
-कुल्या   the flow of rut from an elephant's temples.
-तोयम् दानवारि   q. v.
-धर्मः   alms-giving, charity.
   पतिः an exceedingly liberal man.
   Akrūra, a friend of Kṛiṣṇa; [Bhāg.1.36.29.]
-पत्रम्   a deed of gifts.
-पात्रम्   'a worthy recipient', a Brāhmaṇa fit to receive gifts.
-पारमिता   perfection of liberality.
-प्राति- भाव्यम्   security for payment of a debt.
-भिन्न a.  a. made hostile by bribes; लुब्धानुजीविकैरेष दानभिन्नैर्निहन्यते [H.4.39.] -वज्रः an epithet of the Vaiśyas or men of the third tribe; वैश्या वै दानवज्राश्च [Mb.1.17.52.]
-वर्षिन्   an elephant in rut, infatuated elephant; दानवर्षी कृताशंसो नागराज इवाबभौ [Ki.15.45.]
-वार्  n. n. libation of water.
-वारि  n. n., ichor flowing from the temples of elephants.
   वीरः a very liberal man.
   (In Rhet.) the sentiment of heroism arising out of liberality, the sentiment of chivalrous liberality, e. g. Paraśurāma who gave away the earth with its seven continents; cf. the instance given in R. G. under दानवीरः: कियदिदमधिकं मे यद् द्विजायार्थयित्रे कवचमरमणीयं कुण्डलं चार्पयामि । अकरुणमवकृत्य द्राक्कृ- पाणेन निर्यद् बहलरुधिरधारं मौलिमावेदयामि ॥
-व्यत्यासः   giving to a wrong person.
-शाला   hall for almsgiving.
-शील, -शूर, -शौण्ड a.  a. exceedingly liberal or munificent; निर्गुणोऽपि विमुखो न भूपतेर्दानशौण्डमनसः पुरोऽभवत् [Śi.14.46.]


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 noun  केनचित् दत्तम् वा कस्मादपि प्राप्तं वस्तु।   Ex. जीवनम् ईश्वरात् प्राप्तं दानम् इति जनाः मन्यन्ते।
वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  दीयमानं वस्तु।   Ex. पण्डितः दाने एकां गावं तथा च कानिचन आभूषणानि प्राप्तवान्।
वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  धर्मार्थे श्रद्धया दत्तं धनम्।   Ex. उचिते काले दत्तं दानं फलदायकं भवति।
शारीरिक कार्य (physical)कार्य (Action)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdخیرات , زکوة , عطیہ , چندہ , فطرہ
   see : मदः, प्रदानम्, वितरणम्, शिक्षणम्, वितरणम्

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