घट् cl. 1. Ā. °टते (exceptionally P. °ति, iii, 14703">[MBh. iii, 14703] ; ii, 9/10">[Vet. ii, 9/10] ; जघटे, घटिष्यते [[Naiṣ.] ], अघटिष्ट, [Bhaṭṭ.] ), to be intently occupied about, be busy with, strive or endeavour after, exert one's self for ( loc. dat. acc. [ iii, 14703">[MBh. iii, 14703] ], प्रति, -अर्थम् and अर्थे; inf. [Pāṇ. 3-4, 65] ; [Bhaṭṭ.] ); to reach, come to ( loc. ), ii, 9/10">[Vet. ii, 9/10] ; to fall to the share of ( loc. ), [Naiṣ. x, 47] ; to take effect, answer, [Kathās. cxxiv] ; vi, 361">[Rājat. vi, 361] ; to happen, take place, be possible, suit, [BhP.] ; [Hcar.] ; ix, 4">[Śiś. ix, 4] ; [Ratnâv.] ; [Naiṣ.] ; [Sarvad.] &c.; to be in connection or united with ( instr. ), ii, 8">[Mālatīm. ii, 8] ; viii, 34">---18--- ; iv, 617">[Rājat. iv, 617] ; (for √ घट्ट्) to hurt with words, speak of malignantly, ii, 1, 31">[Hariv. ii, 1, 31] : Caus. P. घटयति ( [Pāṇ. 6-4, 92] ; exceptionally Ā. °ते, iv, 543">[Rājat. iv, 543] ), to join together, connect, bring together, unite, [Suśr.] ; ix, 87">[Śiś. ix, 87] ; [Naiṣ. i, 46] ; [Ratnâv.] ; to shut, [Hcar. v, 253] ( v.l. ); to put or place or lay on ( loc. ), vii, xii">[Gīt. v, vii, xii] ; to bring near, procure, iii, 18">[Bhartṛ. iii, 18] ; [Amar.] ; ---31--- ; [Vet.] ; to effect, accomplish, produce, make, form, fashion, [Mṛcch.] ; ---34--- ; [Pañcat.] &c.; to do a service ( acc. ) to any one ( gen. ), [Rājat. v, 543] ; to impel, [Bhaṭṭ. x, 73] ; to exert one's self, iii, 14702">[MBh. iii, 14702] ; (for √ घट्ट्, Caus. ) to rub, graze, touch, move, agitate, vi (C), vii, xii (5363, C)">iv, vi (C), vii, xii (5363, C): |