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   { ghaṭ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
घट्   cl. 1. Ā.°टते (exceptionally P.°ति, iii, 14703">[MBh. iii, 14703] ; ii, 9/10">[Vet. ii, 9/10] ; जघटे, घटिष्यते [[Naiṣ.] ], अघटिष्ट, [Bhaṭṭ.] ),
to be intently occupied about, be busy with, strive or endeavour after, exert one's self for (loc.dat.acc. [iii, 14703">[MBh. iii, 14703] ], प्रति, -अर्थम् and अर्थे; inf.[Pāṇ. 3-4, 65] ; [Bhaṭṭ.] );
to reach, come to (loc.), ii, 9/10">[Vet. ii, 9/10] ;
to fall to the share of (loc.), [Naiṣ. x, 47] ;
to take effect, answer, [Kathās. cxxiv] ; vi, 361">[Rājat. vi, 361] ;
to happen, take place, be possible, suit, [BhP.] ; [Hcar.] ; ix, 4">[Śiś. ix, 4] ; [Ratnâv.] ; [Naiṣ.] ; [Sarvad.] &c.;
to be in connection or united with (instr.), ii, 8">[Mālatīm. ii, 8] ; viii, 34">---18--- ; iv, 617">[Rājat. iv, 617] ;
(for √ घट्ट्) to hurt with words, speak of malignantly, ii, 1, 31">[Hariv. ii, 1, 31] :
Caus.P.घटयति ([Pāṇ. 6-4, 92] ; exceptionally Ā.°ते, iv, 543">[Rājat. iv, 543] ),
to join together, connect, bring together, unite, [Suśr.] ; ix, 87">[Śiś. ix, 87] ; [Naiṣ. i, 46] ; [Ratnâv.] ;
to shut, [Hcar. v, 253] (v.l.);
to put or place or lay on (loc.), vii, xii">[Gīt. v, vii, xii] ;
to bring near, procure, iii, 18">[Bhartṛ. iii, 18] ; [Amar.] ; ---31--- ; [Vet.] ;
to effect, accomplish, produce, make, form, fashion, [Mṛcch.] ; ---34--- ; [Pañcat.] &c.;
to do a service (acc.) to any one (gen.), [Rājat. v, 543] ;
to impel, [Bhaṭṭ. x, 73] ;
to exert one's self, iii, 14702">[MBh. iii, 14702] ;
(for √ घट्ट्, Caus.) to rub, graze, touch, move, agitate, vi (C), vii, xii (5363, C)">iv, vi (C), vii, xii (5363, C):
Caus.घाटयति, to hurt, injure, xxxiii, 49">[Dhātup. xxxiii, 49] ;
to unite or put together, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.;
‘to speak’ or ‘to shine93."> 93.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
घट् [ghaṭ]   I. 1 Ā. (घटते, जघटे, अघटिष्ट, घटितुम्, घटित)
   To be busy with, strive after, exert oneself for, be intently occupied with anything (with inf. loc., or dat.); घटस्व ज्ञातिभिः सह [Bhāg.8.71.6;] दयितां त्रातुमलं घटस्व [Bk.1.4;] अङ्गदेन समं योद्धुमघटिष्ट 15.77,12.26,16.23;2.24;22.31.
   To happen, take place, be possible; प्राणैस्तपोभि- रथवाऽभिमतं मदीयैः कृत्यं घटेत सुहृदो यदि तत्कृतं स्यात् [Māl.1.9] if it can be effected; कस्यापरस्योडुमयैः प्रसूनैर्वादित्रसृष्टि- र्घटते भटस्य [N.22.22;] उभयथापि घटते [Ve.3;] प्रसीदेति ब्रूयामिदमसति कोपे न घटते [Ratn.2.19] is not proper &c.
   To be united with; दुर्दर्शनेन घटतामियमप्यनेन [Māl.2.8.]
   To come to, reach. -Caus. (घटयति)
   To unite, join, bring together; इत्थं नारीर्घटयितुमलं कामिभिः [Śi.9.87;] अनेन भैमीं घटयिष्यतस्तथा [N.1.46;] क्रुधा संधिं भीमो विघटयति यूयं घटयत [Ve.1.1;] [Bk.11.11.]
   To bring or place near to, bring in contact with, put on; घटयति घनं कण्ठाश्लेषे रसान्न पयोधरौ [Ratn.3.9;] घटय जघने काञ्चीम् [Gīt.12.]
   To accomplish, bring about, effect; तटस्थः स्वानर्थान् घटयति च मौनं च भजते [Māl.1.14;] (अभिमतं) आनीय झटिति घटयति [Ratn.1.7;] [Bh.2.12.]
   To form, fashion, shape, work out, make; एवमभिधाय वैनतेयं ... अघटयत् [Pt.1;] कान्ते कथं घटितवानुपलेन चेतः [Ś Til.3;] घटय भुजबन्धनम् ---18---
   To prompt, impel; स्नेहौघो घटयति मां तथापि वक्तुम् [Bk. 1.73.]
   To rub, touch.
   To exert oneself for.
   To move, agitate. -ii. 1 U. (घाटयति, घाटित)
   To hurt, injure, kill.
   To unite, join, bring or collect together.
   To shine.


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