Dictionaries | References


   { kakṣḥ, kakṣa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   kakṣa m S The axilla or armpit. 2 A side or flank.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  The armpit. A side or flank.


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  इस्पितळातील रोग्यांसाठी असलेली स्वतंत्र खोली   Ex. प्रत्येक कक्षाची नियमितपणे सफाई झाली पाहिजे.
भौतिक स्थान (Physical place)place)">स्थान (place)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
benরোগীর ঘর
hinरोगी कक्ष
kanರೋಗಿಗಳ ಕೋಣೆ
malരോഗിയുടെ മുറി
nepरोगी कक्ष
urdکمرہ برائے مریض , مریضوں کا کمرہ , وارڈ
 noun  संन्यासी किंवा संन्याशीण जिथे राहतात ती लहान खोली   Ex. संन्याशीण कक्षेत बसून चिंतन करत आहे.
मानवकृति (Artifact)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdسل , مٹھ کا کمرہ
   see : खोली


  पु. खांक ; खांद्याच्य खालची बाजू . २ एक बाजू ; बगल ; कूस . ' शैल कक्षांची कुहरें । जळाशय परिसरें । ' - ज्ञ . १३ . ६१२ . ( सं . कक्षा )


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कक्ष  m. m. (√ कष्, iii, 62">[Uṇ. iii, 62] ; cf.कच्), lurking-place, hiding-place, 28, 4">[RV. x, 28, 4] ; xi, 79">[VS. xi, 79]
   a wood, large wood (?), vi, 45, 31">[RV. vi, 45, 31]
   a forest of dead trees, a dry wood, underwood (often the lair of wild beasts), [VS.] ; [TS.] ; [TāṇḍyaBr.] ; [Mn.] &c.
   an inner recess, the interior of a forest
   grass, dry grass
   a spreading creeper, climbing plant, [L.]
   side or flank, [L.]
   sin, ---10---
   a gate, ---11---
   a buffalo, ---12---
   Terminalia Bellerica, ---13---
कक्ष  mf. mf. the armpit (as the most concealed part of the human body), region of the girth, vi, 127, 2">[AV. vi, 127, 2] ; [Suśr.] ; [Mṛcch.] &c.;
कक्ष   [cf.Lat.part of Etymology of ">coxa, ‘hip’; O.H.G.part of Etymology of ">hahsa; Zd.part of Etymology of ">kasha; cf. Sk. part of Etymology of ">kaccha]
   a girdle, zone, belt, girth, [MBh.] ; [BhP.] &c.
   the end of the lower garment (which, after the cloth is carried round the body, is brought up behind and tucked into the waistband)
   hem, border, lace, ix, 10, 37">[BhP. ix, 10, 37]
   the scale of a balance, [Kāvyâd.] ; [Vcar.]
कक्ष  m. m. pl.also title or epithet).">N. of a people, [MBh.] ; [VP.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कक्षः [kakṣḥ]   1 A lurking or hiding place; क्रोष्टा वराहं निरतक्त कक्षात् [Rv.1.28.4.]
   The end of the lower garment; see कक्षा.
   A climbing plant, creeper.
   grass, dry grass; यतस्तु कक्षस्तत एव वह्निः [R.7.55,11.75;] यथोद्धरति निर्दाता कक्षं धान्यं च रक्षति [Ms.7.11.]
   A forest of dead trees, dry wood; Bṛī. [Up.2.9.7.]
   The arm-pit; ˚अन्तर Pt.1 the cavity of the armpit; प्रक्षिप्योदर्चिषं कक्षे शेरते तेऽभिमारुतम् [Śi.2.42.]
   The harem of a king.
   The interior of a forest; आशु निर्गत्य कक्षात् [Ṛs.1.27;] कक्षान्तरगतो वायुः [Rām.]
   The side of flank (of anything); ते सरांसि सरित्कक्षान् [Rām.4.47.2.]
   A woman's girdle; as in आबद्धनिबिडकक्षैः.
   A surrounding wall.
   A part of a boat.
   The orbit of a planet.
   A buffalo.
   A gate; उपेत्य स यदुश्रेष्टो बाह्यकक्षाद्विनिर्गतः [Mb.2.2.12.]
   The Beleric myrobalan or Terminalia Belerica (mar. गुग्गुळ, बेह़डा).
   A marshy ground.
   क्षा painful boils in the arm-pit.
   An elephant's rope; also his girth.
   A woman's girdle or zone; a girdle, waist-band (in general); 'कक्षा बृहति- कायां स्यात्काञ्च्यां मध्येभबन्धने' इति विश्वः; युघे परैः सह दृढबद्ध- कक्षया [Śi.17.24.]
   A surrounding wall; a wall,
   The waist, middle part; एते हि विद्युद्गुणबद्धकक्षा ---10---
   A courtyard; area, ---11--- (सप्तकक्षा); त्रीणि गुल्मान्यतीयाय तिस्रः कक्षाश्च स द्विजः ---12---
   An enclosure.
   An inner apartment, a private chamber; room in general; 'कक्षा कच्छे वस्त्रायां काञ्च्यां गेहे प्रकोष्ठके' इति यादवः; ---13--- [Ms.7.224;] गृहकलहंसकान- नुसरन् कक्षान्तरप्रधावितः [K.63,182;] कक्षासु रक्षितैर्दक्षैस्तार्क्ष्यः सर्पेष्विवापतत् [Parṇāl.3.38.]
   A harem.
   An upper garment; दुर्योधनो हस्तिनं पद्मवर्णं सुवर्णकक्षम् [Mb.6.2.7.]
   objection or reply in argument (in logic &c.).
   emulation or rivalry.
   A secluded part of an edifice; गत्वा कक्षान्तरं त्वन्यत् [Ms.7.224.]
   A particular part of a carriage.
   The jeweller's weight, rati.
   The end of the lower garment which, after the cloth is girt round the lower part of the body, is brought up behind and tucked into the waistband (mar. कांसोटा)
   Tying up the waist.
   The wrist.
   border or lace; स्वर्णकक्ष- पताकाभिः [Bhāg.9.1.37.]
   The basin of a balance (कक्षः also).
   क्षम् A star.
   sin. -Comp.
-अग्निः   wild fire, conflagration; कक्षाग्निलङ्घिततरोरिव वृष्टिपातः [R.11.92.]
-अन्तरम्   inner or private apartment.
   अवेक्षकः a superintendent of the harem.
   a keeper of a royal garden.
   a door-keeper.
   a poet.
   a debauchee.
   a player; painter.
   an actor.
   a paramour.
   strength of feeling or sentiment (Wilson).
-उत्था   a fragrant grass, (भद्रमुस्ता Cyperus, mar. नागरमोथा).
-धरम्   the shoulder-joint.
   पः a tortoise.
   one of the 9 treasures of Kubera.-(क्षा) पटः a cloth passed between the legs to cover the privities.
   पुटः the arm-pit.
  N. N. of a work on magic.
-रुहा = नागरमुस्ता   q. v.
-शायः, -युः   a dog.-स्थ a. seated on the hip or the flank.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कक्ष  m.  (-क्षः)
   1. The armpit.
   2. A spreading creeper, a climbing plant. 3. grass.
   4. dry grass.
   5. A wood, a forest.
   6. A forest of dead trees, a dry wood.
   7. A private or inner chamber or part of a house.
   8. sin.
   9. A buffalo.
   10. The side or flank.
   11. (In astro- [Page146-b+ 60] nomy,) The orbit of a planet, or the circle anciently termed a deferent.
   12. A gate.
   13. The beleric myrobalan, (Terminalia bele- rica.)
  mf.  (-क्षः-क्षा)
   1. A wall.
   2. The end of the lower garment, which after the cloth is carried round the body, is brought up behind, and tucked into the waistband.
  f.  (-क्षा)
   1. An elephant's rope, the string round his neck, also his girth.
   2. A woman's girdle or zone. 3. An enclosure, a part or division of an edifice.
   4. A part of a car. 5. objection or reply in argument.
   6. similarity, parity.
   7. Emula- tion, rivalship.
   8. The jeweller's weight, the Retti.
   9. painful boils in the armpit, side, shoulder, &c.
  n.  (-क्षं) A constellation, a star: see कक्ष्या, कच्छ, काञ्चि, &c.
   E. कष् to hurt or kill, Unadi affix, fem. टाप्.
कष् टाप्

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