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   { abhigam }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अभि-√ गम्   -गच्छति, to go near to, approach (with acc.);
to follow, [Kāṭh.] ; [R.] ;
to meet with, find;
to cohabit (said of men and women), ii, 205, &c.">[Yājñ. ii, 205, &c.] ;
to undertake;
to get, gain, obtain, [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] &c.;
(with म॑नसा, or मेध॑या or हृ॑दयेन) to understand, iii, 60, 1">[RV. iii, 60, 1] ; [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] :
Caus.-गमयति, to study, [MBh. i, 1295.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अभिगम् [abhigam]   1 [P.]
   To go to, go near to, approach (with acc.); एनमभिजग्मुर्भहर्षयः [R.15.59;] [Ki.1.21;] मनुमेकाग्रमासीनमभिगम्य महर्षयः [Ms.1.1;11.1.]
   To follow; go after; अनुरागाद्वने रामं दिष्ट्य त्वमभिगच्छसि [Rām.]
   To find; meet with (casually or by chance).
   To cohabit; have sexual intercourse (with man or woman); अभिगन्तास्मि भगिनीं मातरं वा तवेति ह [Y.2.25;] अभ्यगच्छः पतिं यत्त्वं भजमानम् [Mb.]
   To take to, undertake, betake oneself to.
   To get, to share in; be subject to; निद्रामभिगतः [Rām.]
   To conceive, apprehend, understand, comprehend. -Caus.
   To cause to go to or approach; take, convey; send; [Dk.12.]
   To cause to apprehend; explain, teach.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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