(Denoting cause, means, instrument) usually expressed by the instrumental case; as,
‘with a sword,’
खङ्गेन; ‘with grief,’
शोकेन. —
(In opposition to, against)
instr. c., with or without
सह; as,
‘to fight with one's enemies,’
शत्रुभिः or
शत्रुभिः सह युध् or expressed by
उपरि or by the dat. or
gen. c., in such phrases as,
‘he is angry with his son,’
पुत्रस्योपरि or
पुत्राय or
पुत्रस्य क्रुध्यति. —
(In com- pany, together with, along with)
सह, सार्द्धं, समं, साकं, सहितं,सत्रं -त्रा, अमा all with the
instrum. c.:
‘along with me,’
मया सह; ‘along with him,’
तेन सह. The preposition
सम्,prefixed to roots, gives this sense of
‘with;’ as,
‘to live in company with,’
संवस्. —
(Associated, attonded, connected with)
सहितः -ता -तं in comp. or expressed by the
instr. c., with or without
सह, or by
पूर्व्व or
षुरःसर in comp.; as,
‘associated with enemies,’
शत्रुसहितः -ता -तं or
शत्रुभिः सहितः&c. —
(Denoting manner) expressed by
instr. c., or by
सin comp. with the accus. n., or by
पूर्व्वं or
पूर्व्वकं or
पुरःसरंaffixed; as,
‘with anger,’
कोपेन, सकोपं, कोपपूर्व्वं, कोपपूर्व्वकं,कोपपुरःसरं; ‘with respect,’
सादरं; ‘with affection,’
प्रीतिपूर्व्वं. —
मध्ये. To express a person with any thing in his possession, or a thing in connection with some- thing else, a compound adjective may often be used; thus,
‘a man with a stick in his hand,’
दण्डहस्तः पुरुषः; ‘a man with riches,’
सधनः or
धनवान् पुरुषः; a ship with two masts,’
द्विकूपका नौः or
कूपकद्वययुक्ता नौः.