Dictionaries | References S Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary Apte's Student's English Sanskrit dictionary (Published 1884) By. Vaman Shivram Apte Type: Dictionary Count : 11,343 (Approx.) Language: English Sanskrit | Show All marquee marrow marry Mars marsh marshal mart martial martinet martingal martyr marvel mascot masculine mash mask mason masquerade mass massacre massage mast Master masticate mat match Mate Material maternal mathematics matin matrice matricide matriculate matrimony matron matter mattock mattress Mature matutinal maudlin maugre maul mausoleum maw mawkish maxillar maxim maximum may Mayor maze mead meadow meagre meal mean meander measles measure meat Mechanic medal meddle medial mediate medicable medical medicament medicaster medicate medicine medieval mediocre meditate mediterranean medium medley medulla meed meek meet megalomania megrim melancholy melee meliorate melliferous mellifluous mellow melody melon melt Member membrane memento memoir memory menace menagerie mend mendacious mendicant menial meniscus menology menses menstrual menstruum mensurable mensurate mental mention mentor mephitic mercantile mercenary mercer merchant mercury mercy mere meretricious merge meridian meridional merit mermaid merry meru mesentery mesh meslin mess message messuage metacarpus metachronism metal metamorphose metaphor metaphysic metastasis metatarsus metathesis mete metempsychosis meteor meter methinks method meticulous metre metronome metropolis mettle mew mewl mews miasm mica mickle microbe microcosm microscope micturition mid- midden mien might migrate milch mild mile militant military militate militia milk mill millennium millesimal millet milliner million milt mime mimosa minaret minatory mince mind mine mingle miniature minikin minim minion Minister minium minor minotaur minstrel mint minus minute minx miracle mirage mire mirror mirth mis misacceptation misadventure misanthropy misapply misapprehend misappropriate misbecome misbegot misbehave misbelieve miscalculate miscall miscarry miscellaneous mischance mischief miscomputation misconceive misconduct misconjecture misconstrue miscreant misdeed misdemean misdirect misdoer misemploy miser misery misfeasance misfortune misgive misgotten misgovern misguide mishap misinform misinterpret misjudge mislay mislead mislike mismanage misname misnomer misogamy misogyny misplace misprint mispronounce misproportion misquote misreport misrepresent misrule miss missile mission missive misspell misspend misstate mist mistake mister mistimed mistletoe mistress mistrust misunderstand misuse mite mithridate mitigate mix mixen mizzenmast mizzle mnemonic moan moat mob mobile mock mode model moderate modern modest modicum modify modulate moiety moil moist molar molasses mold mole molecule moles molest mollient mollify molten moment momentum monachism monad monarch monastery monday monetary money monger mongoose mongrel monism Monitor monk monkey monochord monochromatic monochronic monocrat monocular monogamy monologue monomachy monomania monopetalous monoplane monopoly monosyllable monotheist monotony monsoon monster month monument mood moon moor moot mop mope moppet moral morass morbid morbific morbose mordacious mordant more morganatic moribund moringa morion morn morose morrow morsel morsure mortal mortar Mortgage mortiferous mortify mortise mortmain mortuary mosaic mosque mosquito moss most mote moth mother motile motion motive motley motor mottle motto mould moulder moult mound mount mountebank mourn mouse moustache mouth move mow much mucilage muck mucus mud muff muffle mug muggy mulberry mulct mule muliebrity mull muller mulligrubs multangular multifarious multiform multilateral multilineal multiparous multiped multiple multiplicity multiply multipotent multiradiate multisonous multitude multitudinous multiversant multocular mum mumble mummer mummy mump munch mundane mungoose municipal munificent muniment munition mural murder murk murmur murrain muscle muse museum mushroom music musk musket muslin must mustaches mustard muster mutable mute mutilate mutiny mutter mutton mutual muzzle myography myope myriad myrmidon myrobalan myrrh mystery mystic myth nab nacre nadir nag naiad nail naive naked | Show All Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Credits: Apte Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary of 1884 from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 details here. Github RepoArchive.org Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP