Dictionaries | References


   { ṣaṣṭha }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   The sixth day of either half-month. 2 A form of Durgá.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
षष्ठ  m. mf(ई॑)n. sixth, the sixth (with भाग or अंशm. ‘a sixth part’; with or scil.कालm. ‘the sixth hour of the day, the sixth meal eaten at the end of a fast of three days’; षष्ठंकृ, ‘to eat such a meal’), [AV.] &c. &c.
षष्ठ  m. m. (scil.अक्षर) the sixth letter i.e. the vowel , [RPrāt.]
-चन्द्र   N. of a man = , [Rājat.]
षष्ठ  n. n. a sixth part, [Gaut.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
षष्ठ [ṣaṣṭha] a.  a. (-ष्ठी f.) sixth, the sixth; षष्ठं तु क्षेत्रजस्यांशं प्रदद्यात् पैतृकाद्धनात् [Ms.9.164;7.13;] षष्ठे भागे [V.2.1;] [R.17.78;] षष्ठे काले मयाऽऽहारः प्राप्तोऽयमनुजस्तव [Mb.3.18.16.]
   Comp. अंशः a sixth part in general.
   particularly, the sixth part of the produce of fields &c., which the king takes from his subjects as land-tax; ऊधस्यमिच्छामि तवोप- भोक्तुं षष्ठांशमुर्व्या इव रक्षितायाः [R.2.66;] (the different kinds of produce, to the sixth part of which a king is entitled, are specified in [Ms.7.131-132] ). ˚वृत्तिः a king (entitled to the sixth part of the produce); षष्ठांशवृत्तेरपि धर्म एषः [Ś.5.4.]
-अन्नम्   the sixth meal. ˚कालः taking food once in three days, as an expiatory act; षष्ठान्न- कालता मासं संहिताजप एव वा [Ms.11.2.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
षष्ठ  mfn.  (-ष्ठः-ष्ठी-ष्ठं) sixth.
  f.  (-ष्ठी)
   1. DURGĀ as one of the sixteen divine mothers.
   2. The sixth day of the lunar fortnight.
   3. The sixth or genetive case, (in gram.)
   E. षष् six, डति aff., थुक् aug.
षष् डति थुक्

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