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   { śaphḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  पेड़ की जड़   Ex. मजदूर जमीन से शफ को खोदकर निकाल रहा है । <br>
भाग (Part of)संज्ञा (Noun)
benগাছের মূল
   see : खुर, नख<br>


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A hoof. 2 A division of a cloven hoof.<br>


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
 n m  A hoof; a division of a cloven hoof.<br>


  पु. गाय , म्हैस , घोडा इ० पशूंचा खूर ; हा विभागलेला असतो . २ या खुराचा विभाग . ( समासांत ) एकशफ ; द्विशफ इ० . [ सं . ]<br>०बंध  पु. घोडयाच्या घोटयास बांधतात तो चामडयाचा पट्टा . - अश्वप १ . १२० .<br>


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शफ  f. m. ([L.] also n.; ifc.f(). ; of doubtful derivation) a hoof (esp. the hoof of a horse), [RV.] &c. &c.<br>पाद   an eighth (because of the divided hoofs of the cow; cf., a fourth), [RV.] ; [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] <br>   a claw, xii, 4">[VS. xii, 4] <br>   a wooden implement formed like a claw or hook (for lifting an iron pot or pan from the fire), [Br.] ; [Lāṭy.] <br>   unguis Odoratus">unguis odoratus, [L.] <br>वसिष्ठस्य   (du., with ) also title or epithet).">N. of two सामन्s, KātyŚr.<br>शफ  n. n. the root of a tree, [L.] <br>शफ   [cf.accord. to some, Germ.word is part of Etymology of ">huof, word is part of Etymology of ">Huf; Angl.Sax.word is part of Etymology of ">hôf; Eng.word is part of Etymology of ">hoof]<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शफः [śaphḥ] फम् [pham]   फम् [शप्-अच् पृषो˚ पस्य फः]<br>   A hoof; सुरभे- र्महिषा गावो ये चान्ये द्विशफा नृप [Bhāg.6.6.27.] <br>   A claw; यज्ञायज्ञियं पुच्छं धिष्ण्यां शफाम् [Vāj.12.4.] <br>   The root of a tree. -Comp.<br>-ऊरुः  f. f. a woman having thighs resembling the two divisions of a cow's hoof; see [P. IV.1.7.] The early commentators of Pāṇini of other schools of grammar evidently think that the word is two well-known to require any explanation. Viṭṭhala, Bhaṭṭojī and others think that the word means 'a woman whose thighs press together like hoofs'. But there is not the slightest doubt that the sense of similitude is present here and the word comes within the purview of the previous rule ऊरूत्तरपदादौपम्ये. Or it may mean a woman whose thighs are marked with the sign of hoofs. Sṛiṣṭidhara the commentator of the Bhāṣāvṛitti gives the correct meaning: शफं खुरः । तच्चह्नुयुक्त ऊरूर्यस्याः । शफरः (-री) f.) [शफं राति रा-क [Tv.] ] A kind of small glittering fish; मोघीकर्तुं चटुलशफरोद्वर्तनप्रेक्षितानि [Me. 42;] मनोऽस्य जह्नुः शफरीविवृत्तयः [Ki.4.3;] [Śi.8.24;] [Ku. 4.39.] -Comp.<br>-अधिपः   the fish called llīśa.<br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शफ  mn.  (-फः-फं)<br>   1. A hoof in general.<br>   2. The root of a tree.<br>   3. The hoof of a horse.<br>   E. शम् to be tranquil, aff. अच्, the final changed to फ .<br>

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