Dictionaries | References


   { viṣkambhḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वि-ष्कम्भ  m. m. a prop, support, [Lāṭy.] ; [Suśr.]
वि ष्कम्भ
   the bolt or bar of a door, [Ragh.] Sch.
   the supporting beam or pillar of a house, [W.]
   a post (round which the string of a churning-stick is wound), [L.]
   width, extension, [MBh.] ; [VarBṛS.] ; [MārkP.]
   the diameter of a circle, [Āryabh.]
-पर्वत   a mountain-range (= ), [MārkP.]
   an obstacle, impediment, ---10---
   the first of the twenty-seven astronomical periods called योगs or the leading star of the first lunar mansion, [Col.]
अङ्कयोर् मध्य-वर्ती   (in dram.) an interlude or introductory scene (coming between the acts [] and performed by an inferior actor or actors [नीच-पात्र-प्रयोजितः], who explains to the audience the progress of the plot, and inform them of what is supposed to have happened in the intervals of the acts cf.प्रवेशक), [Bhar.] ; [Daśar.] &c.
अङ्कयोर् मध्य वर्ती
   a partic.योग-posture, [L.]
   a tree, [L.]
   action, doing anything, [W.]
प्रतिबिम्ब   = , [L.]
विस्कुम्भु   also title or epithet).">N. of a divine being reckoned among the विश्वेदेवाः, [Hariv.] (v.l., निकुम्ब, and विष्टर)


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विष्कम्भः [viṣkambhḥ]   1 obstacle, hindrance, impediment.
   The bolt or bar of a door.
   The supporting beam of a house
   A post, pillar.
   A tree.
   (In dramas) An interlude between the acts of a drama and performed by one or more characters, middling or inferior, who connect the story of the drama and the subdivisions of the plot by briefly explaining to the audience what has occurred in the intervals of the acts or what is likely to happen later on: [S. D.] thus defines it: वृत्तवर्तिष्यमाणानां कथांशानां निदर्शकः । संक्षिप्तार्थस्तु विष्कम्भ आतावङ्कस्य दर्शितः ॥ मध्येन मध्यमाभ्यां वा पात्राभ्यां संप्र- योजितः । शुद्धः स्यात्तु संकीर्णो नीचमध्यमकल्पितः ॥ 38.
   The diameter of a circle.
   A particular posture practised by Yogins.
   extension, length; तद्द्विगुणविष्कम्भं खाताद् वप्रं कारयेत् [Kau.A.1.3;] एषामन्तरविष्कम्भो योजनानि सहस्रशः [Mb.6.6.6.]
   The first of the twenty-seven astronomical periods (योग).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विष्कम्भ  m.  (-म्भः)
   1. The first of the twenty-seven astronomical periods, called Yogās or yoga star of the first lunar mansion.
   2. obstacle, hindrance, impediment, resistance.
   3. spreading, extension.
   4. act, doing any thing.
   5. A posture of the devotees called Yogīs. 6. one of the performers at a dramatic entertainment, either an actor who in the intervals of the scenes explains to the audience the progress of the story, or one or two of the personages of the drama, who do the same in a soliloquy or dialogue.
   7. A tree.
   8. The bolt or bar of a door.
   9. A post, the roof-tree of a house.
   10. The diameter of a circle.
   E. वि before ष्कभि to stop or hinder, aff. घञ्; or वि + स्कन्भ्-अच्; also
वि ष्कभि घञ्; वि + स्कन्भ्-अच्;
   with कन् added, विष्कम्भक .

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