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   { vayas }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वयस्  n. 1.n. a web (?), ii, 31, 5.">[RV. ii, 31, 5.]
वयस्  n. 2.n. (cf.1.वि॑) a bird, any winged animal, the winged tribe (esp. applied to smaller birds), [RV.] ; &c.
वयस्  n. 3.n. (√ वी) enjoyment, food, meal, oblation, [RV.] ; [AV.] (cf.वीति)
बृहत्   energy (both bodily and mental), strength, health, vigour, power, might, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] (often with ; with √ धा and dat. or loc. of pers. ‘to bestow vigour or might on’)
सर्वाणि वयांसि   vigorous age, youth, prime of life, any period of life, age, [RV.] &c. &c. (, animals of any age; वयसा-न्वित or वयसा-ती-त, aged, old)
वयांसि प्र-ब्रूहि   degree, kind (in ), [ŚBr.]
वयांसि प्र ब्रूहि


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वयस् [vayas]  n. n. [अज्-असुन् वीभावः]
   age, any time or period of life; गुणाः पूजास्थानं गुणिषु न च लिङ्गं न च वयः [U.4.11;] नवं वयः [R.2.47;] पश्चिमे वयसि 19.1; न खलु वयस्तेजसो हेतुः [Bh.2.38;] तेजसां हिवयः समीक्ष्यते [R.11.1.;] [Ku.5.16;] [Bhāg.1.26.4.]
   youth, the prime of life; वयसि गते कः कामविकारः Charpaṭa. [S.1;] [Bhāg.8.15.17;] वयोगते किं वनिताविलासः Subhāṣ.; so अतिक्रान्तवयाः.
   A bird in general; स्मरणीयाः समये वयं वयः [N.2.62;] मृगवयोगवयोप- चितं वनम् [R.9.53;2.9;] [Śi.3.55;11.47.]
   A crow; वयांसि किं न कुर्वन्ति चञ्च्वा खोदरपूरणम् [Pt.1.23] (here it may mean 'a bird' also.).
   Ved. sacrificial food or oblation.
   energy, strength.
   health, soundness of constitution. -Comp.
-अतिग, -अतीत a.  a. (-वयोतिग &c.) advanced in age, aged, decrepit.
-अधिक a.  a. (-वयोधिक) older in age, senior.
-अवस्था (वयोवस्था)   stage or period of life, measure of age; वयोऽवस्थां तस्याः श्रुणुत [Māl.9.29.]
-कर a.  a. causing health and vigour of life, prolonging life.
-गत   a.
   come of age.
   advanced in years; अयमितर आत्मा कृतकृत्यो वयोगतः प्रैति [Ait. Up.2.4.] (-तम्) the departure of youth.
-परिणतिः, -परिणामः   ripeness of age; advanced or old age.
   प्रमाणम् measure or length of life.
   duration of life.
-बाल a.  a. young in years.
-वृद्ध a.  a. (-वयोवृद्ध) old, advanced in years.
   संधिः transition from one period of life to another; त्रयो वयःसंधयः.
   puberty, maturity (period of coming of age).
-स्थ a.  a. (-वयःस्थ or -वयस्थ)
   youthful; नानावर्णविभक्तानां वयःस्थानां तथैव[Rām.1.53.2.]
   grown up mature.
   strong, powerful. (-स्थ) a friend; contemporary.
   (स्था) a female companion.
   the yellow myrobalan tree.
   small cardamoms.
-स्थानम्   firmness of youth.
-हानिः  f. f.
   (वयोहानिः) loss or decline of youth.
   loss of youthful vigour.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वयस्  n.  (-यः)
   1. A bird.
   2. age, time of life.
   3. youth.
   E. वय् to go, असुन् aff.; or वी as substituted for अज् to go, with the same aff.
वय् असुन् वी अज्

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