पावक mfn. mf(आ॑)n. pure, clear, bright, shining, [RV.] ; [VS.] ; [AV.] (said of अग्नि, सूर्य and other gods, of water, day and night &c.; according to native Comms. it is mostly = सोधक, ‘cleansing, purifying’) पावक m. m.N. of a partic. अग्नि (in the पुराणs said to be a son of अग्निअभिमानिन् and स्वाहा or of अन्तर्धान and शिखण्डिनी), [TS.] ; [TBr.] ; KātyŚr.; [Pur.] पावक f. m. (ifc. f(आ). ) fire or the god of fire, [Up.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. पावक m. m.N. of the number 3 (like all words for ‘fire’, because fire is of three kinds See अग्नि), [Sūryas.] a kind of ऋषि, a saint, a person purified by religious abstraction or one who purified from sin, [MBh.] Prenina Spinosa, [L.] Plumbago Zeylanica or some other species, [L.] Semecarpus Anacardium, [L.] Carthamus Tinctoria, [L.] Embelia Ribes, [L.]