निर्व्वा(र्वा)च्य mfn. (-च्यः-च्या-च्यं) निर्व्वा(र्वा)च्य 1. unobjectionable, blameless, not to be [Page398-b+ 60] found fault with or censured. निर्व्वा(र्वा)च्य 2. improper to be said. निर्व्वा(र्वा)च्य E. निर् neg. वाच्य to be spoken. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण mfn. (-णः-णा-णं) निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण 1. liberated from existence. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण 2. dead, de- ceased. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण 3. gone out, extinguished, (as a fire). निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण 4. set, as a planet. 5. immersed, plunged. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण 6. having no arrows. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण n. (-णं) निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण 1. eternal happiness, emancipation from matter, and reunion with the deity; it is especially employed in this sense by the Baudhas and Jains, understanding by it perfect and perpetual calm. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण 2. setting, disappearing, departure. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण 3. Refraining, desisting, leav- ing off, cessation. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण 4. union, association, blending, confluence. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण 5. bathing or plunging of an elephant. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण 6. repose. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण 7. vacuity, vacnum or space. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण 8. Instructing in science. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण E. निर् before, वाण् to blow, etc. affix क्त, deriv. irr. or निर् neg. वाण an arrow or निर् + वा-क्त . निर्व्वा(र्वा)णमस्तक m. (-कः) liberation. निर्व्वा(र्वा)णमस्तक E. निर्व्वाण and मस्तक head, chief. निर्व्वा(र्वा)त mfn. (-तः-ता-तं) निर्व्वा(र्वा)त 1. calm, still, not windy, having ceased to blow. निर्व्वा(र्वा)त 2. sheltered from the wind. निर्व्वा(र्वा)त m. (-तः) A calm. निर्व्वा(र्वा)त E. निर् before, वात wind, air. निर्व्वा(र्वा)प m. (-पः) निर्व्वा(र्वा)प 1. Putting out, as a fire or light. निर्व्वा(र्वा)प 2. Gifts in honour of a deceased ancestor: see निवाप. निर्व्वा(र्वा)प E. निर् + वप-भावे-घञ् . निर्व्वा(र्वा)पण n. (-णं) निर्व्वा(र्वा)पण 1. Putting out, as a fire or light, extinguishing, quenching. निर्व्वा(र्वा)पण 2. (In medicine,) refrigerant. निर्व्वा(र्वा)पण 3. killing, slaughter. 4. gift, giving. निर्व्वा(र्वा)पण 5. Presenting funeral oblations. निर्व्वा(र्वा)पण 6. cooling, re- freshing. निर्व्वा(र्वा)पण E. निर् before, वप् to go. &c, in the causal form, affix णिच्, वा णिच्-पुक्-ल्युट् . निर्व्वा(र्वा)पित mfn. (-तः-ता-तं) निर्व्वा(र्वा)पित 1. put out, quenched, extingnished. निर्व्वा(र्वा)पित 2. allayed, cooled. निर्व्वा(र्वा)पित 3. killed. निर्व्वा(र्वा)पित 4. offered in oblation. निर्व्वा(र्वा)पित E. निर्, वप् to go, causal v. क्त aff. निर्व्वा(र्वा)प्य ind. निर्व्वा(र्वा)प्य 1. having offered funeral cakes. निर्व्वा(र्वा)प्य 2. having delighted. 3. having quenched. निर्व्वा(र्वा)प्य E. निर् before, वप् to sow, affix ल्यप्. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ह m. (-हः) निर्व्वा(र्वा)ह 1. accomplishment, completion, end. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ह 2. carrying on, supporting, maintaining. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ह 3. Providing means. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ह 4. Suf- ficiency, adequacy. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ह 5. steadfastness. निर्व्वा(र्वा)ह E. निर् before, वह् to bear, affix घञ्.