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   { dyu(dyau), dyu }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
DYU(DYAU)   one of the Aṣṭa Vasus (eight Vasus). this Vasu has another name Āpa. (For details see under Aṣṭavasus).


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


  न. आकाश ; स्वर्ग . २ दिवस . [ सं . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
द्यु   1.cl. 2. P.द्यौति (xxiv, 31">[Dhātup. xxiv, 31] ; pf.दुद्याव, 3 pl.दुद्युवुर्) to go against, attack, assail, [Bhaṭṭ.]
द्यु   2. for 3.दिव् as inflected stem and in comp. before consonants.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
द्यु [dyu]   2 P. (द्यौति) To advance towards, encounter, attack, assail; गुहाया निरगाद् वाली सिंहो मृगमिव द्युवन् [Bk. 6.118;14.11.]
द्यु [dyu]  n. n.
   A day.
   The sky.
   sharpness; cf. अद्यु -m. fire. (द्यु is a substitute for दिव् f. before terminations beginning with consonants and in compounds.) -Comp.
-गः   a bird.
   चरः a planet.
-जयः   attainment or gaining of heaven.
-ज्या   the diameter of a circle made by an asterism in its daily revolution.
-दलः   noon.
-धुनिः  f. f.,-नदी the heavenly ganges; सिद्धैर्नुतो द्युधुनिपातशिवस्वनासु रेमे चिरं धनदवल्ललनावरूथी [Bhāg.3.23.39.]
-निवासः   a deity, god; शोकाग्निनाऽगाद् द्युनिवासभूयम् [Bk.3.21.]
-निवासिन्  m. m.
   a deity.
   a virtuous man.
   पतिः the sun.
   an epithet of indra.
-पथः   the upper part of the sky.
   मणिः the sun; कृष्णद्युमणिनिम्लोचे ...... [Bhāg.3.2.7.]
   calcined copper.
-योषित्  f. f. an apsaras.
-रत्नम्   the sun.
-लोकः   heaven.
   a god, deity; मनःसु येषां द्युसदां न्यधीयत [Si.1.43.]
   a planet.
-सरित्  f. f. the ganges.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
द्यु   r. 2nd cl. (द्योति)
   1. To advance towards or against, to assail.
   2. To advance before or in front of, to approach.
द्यु  m.  (-द्युः) A name of agni or fire.
  n.  (-द्यु)
   1. A day.
   2. heaven, sky, æther.
   3. heaven, paradise.
   E. द्यु to go to or towards, affix क्विप् .
द्यु क्विप् .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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