Dictionaries | References त तेजस् { tējas } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 तेजस् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | तेजस् n. n. (often pl.) the sharp edge (of a knife &c.), point or top of a flame or ray, glow, glare, splendour, brilliance, light, fire, [RV.] &c. clearness of the eyes, [VS. xxi] ; [AitBr.] &c. the bright appearance of the human body (in health), beauty, [Nal.] ; [Suśr. i, 15] the heating and strengthening faculty of the human frame seated in the bile, 14 and 26 the bile, [L.] fiery energy, ardour, vital power, spirit, efficacy, essence, [AV.] &c. semen virile, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Ragh.] ; ---10--- marrow, ---11--- the brain, ---12--- gold, ---13--- क्षमा (opposed to ) impatience, fierceness, energetic opposition, ---14--- ; ---15--- ; iii, 50 and 54">---16--- ; ii, 3">[Daśar. ii, 3] रजस् (in सांख्यphil.) = (passion) spiritual or moral or magical power or influence, majesty, dignity, glory, authority, [AV.] ; [VS.] &c. a venerable or dignified person, person of consequence, [MBh. v, xiii] ; vii, 15">[Śak. vii, 15] fresh butter, [L.] र् a mystical N. of the letter , ---23--- असे () dat.inf. √ तिज्q.v.अ cf.-, अग्नि-, उग्र- &c. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 तेजस् The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | तेजस् [tējas] n. n. [तिज्-भावे करुणादै असुन्] sharpness. The sharp edge (of a knife &c.). The point or top of a flame. heat, glow. glare. lustre, light, brilliance, splendour; दिनान्ते निहितं तेजः [R.4.1;] तेजश्चास्मि विभावसौ [Bg.7.9,1.] heat or light considered as the third of the five elements of creation (the other four being पृथिवी, अप्, वायु and आकाश). The bright appearance of the human body, beauty; अरिष्टशय्यां परितो विसारिणा सुजन्मनस्तस्य निजेन तेजसा [R.3.15.] fire of energy; शतप्रधानेषु तपोधनेषु गूढं हि दाहात्मकमस्ति तेजः [Ś. 2.7;] [U.6.14.] might, prowess, strength, courage, valour; martial or heroic lustre; तेजस्तेजसि शाम्यतु [U. 5.7;] [Ś.7.15.] one possessed of heroic lustre; तेजसां हि न वयः समीक्ष्यते [R.11.1;] [Pt.1.328;3.33.] spirit, energy. strength of character, not bearing insult or ill-treatment with impunity. majestic lustre, majesty, dignity, authority, consequence; तेजोविशेषानुमितां (राजलक्ष्मीं) दधानः [R.2.7.] semen, seed, semen virile; स्याद्रक्षणीयं यदि मे न तेजः ---10--- 2.75; दुष्यन्तेनाहितं तेजो दधानां भूतये भुवः ---11--- The essential nature of anything. essence, quintessence. spiritual, moral, or magical power. fire; यज्ञसेनस्य दुहिता तेज एव तु केवलम् ---12--- marrow. bile. The speed of a horse. fresh butter. gold. clearness of the eyes. A shining or luminous body, light; ऋते कृशानोर्न हि मन्त्रपूतमर्हन्ति तेजांस्यपराणि हव्यम् ---13--- ---14--- The heating and strengthening faculty of the human frame seated in the bile (पित्त). The brain. violence, fierceness. impatience. anger; मित्रैः सह विरोधं च प्राप्नुते तेजसा वृतः Md.3.28.18. The sun; उपप्लवांस्तथा घोरान् शशिनस्तेजसस्तथा ---15--- 31.36. -Comp.-कर a. illuminating. granting vital power or strength.-पदम् a mark of dignity; तेजःपदं मणिमयं च हृतं शिरोभ्यः ---16--- -बीजम् marrow. भङ्गः disgrace, destruction of dignity. depression, discouragement.-भीरः f. f. shadow.-मण्डलम् a halo of light; सर्वा एतस्मिंस्तेजोमण्डल एकीभवन्ति [Praśna. Up.4.2.] -मात्रा sense-organ; स एतास्तेजोमात्राः समभ्याददानो हृदयमेवान्ववक्रामति [Bṛi. Up.4.4.1.] -मूर्तिः the sun; [Ms.3.93.] रूपम् the supreme spirit, brahman. the nature of light. वृत्तम् noble behaviour; [Ms.9.33.] superior power or lustre. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 तेजस् Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | तेजस् m. (-जाः) A name of agni or fire. n. (-जः) 1. splendour, light, lustre. 2. dignity, consequence. 3. Srength, power. 4. ardour, spirit, energy. 5. semen virile. 6. fresh butter. 7. impatience, in- ability to bear or put up with. 8. gold. 9. bile, the bilious hu- mour. 10. marrow, the brain, &c. 11. fame, glory. 12. sharpness, (metallic.) 13. pungency. 14. heat. 15. bodily vigour. 16. Viva- city. E. तिज् to sharpen or polish, affix भावे करणादौ असुन् . ROOTS:तिज् भावे करणादौ असुन् . Related Words तेजस् vivacity सर्व्वतेजस् शिक्वन् resplendence राजतेजस् puissance सुतेजा सूर्य्यतेजस् fulgency कल्मलीक क्षततेजस् sheen तेजस्त्व तेजोवृत्त रसतेजस् मांसतेजस् irradiance vigor heartiness lustre तेजोमन्थ तेजोरूप splendor stamina liveliness lucidness mettle fulgent grandeur vigour शुक्षि radiance refulgent तेजस्कर luminary manhood nervousness potency glimmer magnificent might gorgeous semen severity sharpness richness तेजिष्ठ तेजीयस् तेजोवत् निस्तेजस् magnificence efficacy effulgent pomp सुतेजस् gleam glitter acute brisk marrow irradiate nobility उन्मिष् महातेजस् strength fresh glare glow soul majesty radiate awe तेजस्विन् splendid dignity courage pith glory heart spirit gold grand वर्चस् अनीक shine अप् अमित तैजस bright edge polish seed shade strong tone energy अजा man noble Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP