उत्सह् [utsah] 1 Ā.
To be able, have power or energy; (expressed by 'can'); dare, venture (with inf.); तवानुवृत्तिं न च कर्तुमुत्सहे
[Ku.5.65;] [Ś.5;] [Mu.4.14;] [Śi.14.83;] [Bk.3.54,5.59,14.89,] sometimes with acc. and dat. also;
[Pt.1.] To attempt, be prompted or incited;
[Ki.1.36;] to cheer up, not to sink or give way; अज्ञवन्नोत्सहेथास्त्वम्
[Bk.19.16.] To feel at ease, enjoy pleasure; क्षणमप्युत्सहते न मां विना
[Ku.4.36.] To go forward, march on;
[K.249.] -Caus. To encourage, excite, instigate, incite; वरुणोत्साहितेन वेधसा
[K.22;] [Bk.9.69.]