Dictionaries | References स संमति { sammatiḥ } Script: Devanagari See also: संमत , संमतिपत्र , सम्मत Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 संमति A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | sammata, sammati, sammatipatra better written सम्मत, सम्मति, सम्मतिपत्र. also for संमत as representing the two arabic words & see सम्मत. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 संमति The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | संमतिः [sammatiḥ] f. f. agreement. concurrence, assent, approbation, approval. wish, desire. knowledge of self, knowledge of the soul, true knowledge. regard, respect, esteem; कथमिव तव संमतिर्भवित्री सममृतुभिर्मुनिनावधीरितस्य [Ki.1.36.] love, affection. command, order. Honouring (संमानन); लोकानां स्वस्ति चैवं स्याद्भवेदस्य च संमतिः [Rām.7.1.4.] -Comp.-पत्रकम् the decree of an assembly of arbitration, (सभ्याधिकारि- प्रकृति); तत्पत्रं वाद्यमान्यं चेत् ज्ञेयं संमतिपत्रकम् [Śukra.2.34.] Related Words संमति संमति मिळालेला free consent informed consent age of consent rule by consent express consent tacit consent blanket consent memorandum of agreement consensual contract consensual marriage consent decree consent judgment consent order consent search implied consent mutual consent memorandum of an agreement होभाग डोकें हलविणें उजवी गुढी देणें उजवी देणें गुढी उजवी देणें मान वांकडी करणें leave and licence genterman's agreement gentleman's agreement अनुमोदन पडणें अर्धांगीकार टाळ्या पिटणें टाळ्या वाजविणें बार देणें मस्तक डोलविणें comprobation मम म्हणणें एकाच जिभेनें साखर किंवा गू खाणें अक्कलहुशारी तुकविणे तुकाविणे डोलावली मान, धरते कान पाण्यांत पडल्यावर कृष्णार्पण हो करणें हो भरणें हो म्हणणें होस हो करणें होस हो जोडणें होस हो देणें होस हो मिळविणें होस हो म्हणणें होस हो लावणें रुकार देवानें डावी देणें इत्तिफाक उंहुं उंहूं हातावर हात मारणें हुंऊ हुंहूं हुः consent assent ईर्षाद कबुली ओढमाणकी अकरा देव आणि उतावळीची पूजा शारदंडायनि अनुमोदक लष्करच्या भाकरी भाजणें मुसल्मान हुं agreement उजवी उजवें संमत vote आमेन अंगीकरण अनुकूळ स्वीकरण accept अंगीकार अबाधित मुरकणें स्वीकार उजवा sanction accord आसरा कबूल अबाध approve मुसलमान मम marriage convention comply हो agree harmony Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP