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   { lamb }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लम्ब्   1. (cf.1.रम्ब्) cl. 1. Ā. ([Dhātup. x, 15] ) ल॑म्बते (mc. also °ति; pf.ललम्बे, [MBh.] &c.; aor.अलम्बिष्टGr.; fut.लम्बिता, ib.; लम्बिष्यति, [MBh.] ; inf.लम्बितुम्, ib.; ind.p.-लम्ब्य, ib.),
to hang down, depend, dangle, hang from or on (loc.), [Suparṇ.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to sink, go down, decline, fall, set (as the sun), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
to be fastened or attached to, cling to, hold or rest on (loc.), ib.;
to fall or stay behind, be retarded, [Sūryas.] ;
to tag, loiter, delay, tarry, [MBh.] :
Caus.लम्बयति (aor.अललम्बत्), to cause to hang down or depend, let down, [Kathās.] ;
to hang up, suspend, ib.;
to cause to be attached or joined, [MW.] ;
to stretch out, extend (the hand) for (dat.), [Ragh.] ;
(prob.) to depress, discourage, [MBh. i, 1445] (C.लङ्घयित्वा for लम्बयित्वा) :
Desid.लिलम्बिषते, to be about to sink or decline, [Hcar.] v.l.
लम्ब्   [cf.Gk.λοβός; Lat.labi, labare, labes; Germ.lappa, Lappen; Eng.lap, limp.]
लम्ब्   2. (cf.2.रम्ब्) cl. 1. Ā.लम्बते, to sound, 15.">[Dhātup. x, 15.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लम्ब् [lamb]   1 Ā. (लम्बते, लम्बित)
   To hang down, hang from, dangle; ऋषयो ह्यत्र लम्बते [Mb.]
   To be attached to, stick to, hold on to, rest on; ललम्बिरे सदसिलताः प्रिया इव [Śi.7.25;] प्रस्थानं ते कथमपि सखे लम्बमानस्य भावि [Me.43.] (where लम्ब˚ means 'hanging down towards' or 'resting upon' the back or hips).
   To go down, sink, decline or hang down (as the sun), fall down; लम्बमाने दिवाकरे; [Śi.9.2;] [Ki.9.1;] त्वदधरचुम्बनलम्बितकज्जलमुज्ज्वलय प्रिय लोचने [Gīt.12] (= गलित).
   To fall or lag behind.
   To delay, tarry.
   To sound. -Caus. (लम्बयति-ते)
   To let down, cause to hang down.
   To hang up, suspend.
   To stretch out, extend (as the hand); करेण वातायन- लम्बितेन [R.13.21;] को लम्बयेदाहरणाय हस्तम् 6.75.
   To cause to be attached, join.
   To depress. -With उद् to stand up, stand erect: पादेनैकेन गगने द्वितीयेन च भूतले । तिष्ठाम्युल्लम्बितस्तावद्यावत्तिष्ठति भास्करः [Mk.2.1.]


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  आलम्बनानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. भित्तिकाया रज्जुः लम्बते।
होना क्रिया (Verb of Occur)क्रिया (Verb)
   see : श्रि

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