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   { lamba }
Script: Devanagari


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 noun  त्यो सीधा ठाडो रेखा जुनचाहिँ कुनै तेर्छो रेखामा ठडिन्छ र उसका छेवैका दुवै कोण समकोण हुन्छन्   Ex. तीन सेन्टिमिटरका आधारमा पाँच सेन्टिमिटर लामो लम्ब तान
भाग (Part of)संज्ञा (Noun)


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लम्ब  mfn. mf()n. hanging down, pendent, dangling, hanging by or down to (comp.), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   long, large, spacious (see comp.)
लम्ब  m. m. (in geom.) a perpendicular, [Col.]
   (in astron.) complement of latitude, co-latitude, the arc between the pole of any place and the zenith, [Sūryas.]
   N. of a partic. throw or move (at a kind of chess or backgammon or draughts), [L.]
लञ्चा   a present, bribe, [L.] (prob.w.r. for )
नर्तक   = , अङ्ग, or कान्त, [L.]
   N. of a मुनि, [Cat.]
   of a दैत्य, [Hariv.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लम्ब [lamba] a.  a. [लम्ब्-अच्]
   hanging down, hanging from, pendent, dangling; पाण्ड्योऽयमंसार्पितलम्बहारः [R.6.6,84;] शतबुद्धिः कृतोन्नामः सलम्बश्च सहस्रधीः [Pt.5.45;] [Me.86.]
   hanging upon, attached to.
   great, large.
   long, tall.
   म्बः A perpendicular.
   colatitude, the arc between the pole of any place and the zenith, complement of latitude.
   A bribe.
  N. N. of a particular throw or move (at a kind of chess).
   म्बी A kind of food prepared from grain.
   A flowering branch. -Comp.
-उदर a.  a. big-bellied, pot-bellied, portly.
   (रः) N. of Gaṇeśa.
   a glutton. ˚जननी N. of Pārvatī; निरालम्बो लम्बोदरजननि कं यामि शरणम् Ā.L.11. (-री) N. of the goddess Tārā.
-ओष्ठः (लम्बो-म्बौ-ष्ठः)   a camel.
   कर्णः an ass.
   a goat,
   an elephant.
   a falcon.
   a demon or Rākṣasa.
-गुणः, -ज्या, -रेखा   the sine of the co-latitude; स्वाबाधाभुजकृत्योरन्तरमूलं प्रजायते लम्बः । लम्बगुणं भूम्यर्धं स्पष्टं त्रिभुजं फलं भवति [Līlā.]
-जठर a.  a. pot-bellied, portly.
-दन्ता, -बीजा   a kind of pepper.-पयोधरा a woman with large pendent breasts. -स्फिच्a. having fat or protuberant buttocks.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लम्ब  mfn.  (-म्बः-म्बा-म्बं)
   1. spacious, capacious.
   2. great, large, broad, long, expanded either in breadth or length, or both.
   3. Pendu- lous, depending.
  m.  (-म्बः)
   1. A bribe, a present.
   2. moving a man at a sort of backgammon or draughts.
   3. A perpendicular, (in geo- metry.)
   4. (In astronomy,) The arc between the pole and zenith of any place.
  f.  (-म्बा)
   1. A name of LAKSHMĪ.
   2. A name of GAURĪ or DURGĀ.
   3. A bitter gourd.
   E. लबि to fall, to sound, aff. अच् .
लबि अच् .

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