Dictionaries | References ग गलित { galita } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 गलित A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | fallen, dropped, cast, shed. 2 melted, fused, liquefied. 3 fig. sunken, shrunken, decayed, impaired. some compounds are गलित- काया f An emaciated body; गलितकाय-देह-शरीर- अंग a Of an emaciated body; गलितदंत-चक्षु-नास- केश-नख Of fallen teeth, eyes &c.; गलितचक्ष means further Of weeping or of oozing or running eyes; and गलितनास means Of a slabbering or running nose; गलितयौवन Of declining years; गलितेंद्रिय Of impaired senses, or organs of sense. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 गलित Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | p fallen, dropped, cast, shed. fig. sunken, shrunken, decayed, impaired.गलितकाया f An emaciated body.गलितकाय-देह-शरीर a Of an emaciated body.गलितदंत a Of fallen teeth.गलितयौवन a Of declining years.गलितोंद्रिय a Of impaired senses. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 गलित A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | गलित mfn. 1.mfn. dropped, oozed, trickling, [Hariv. 2] ; [Ragh.] ; [Amar.] fallen down or off, loosed, [Megh. 45] ; ix, 75">[Śiś. ix, 75] ; [BhP. i, 1, 3 &c.] lost, perished, decayed, iii, 70">[Ragh. iii, 70] ; [Bhartṛ.] &c. waning (as the moon), xiii, 8; xxiii, 8">[VarBṛ. xiii, 8; xxiii, 8] ‘dropped’ (said of the verses omitted in the पद-पाठ of the [RV.] because of their occurrence in a previous passage), ---10--- Sch.गालित for (liquefied, melted), [W.] गलित mfn. 2.mfn. swallowed, ii, 3, 10 (not in B C). ">Pañcat. ii, 3, 10 not in B C.गलित a see √ 1. and √ 2.गल्. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 गलित The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | गलित [galita] p.p. p. p. p. [गल्-क्त] dropped or fallen down. melted. Oozed, flowing. lost, vanished, deprived. untied, got loose. emptied, leaked away. filtered. decayed, impaired. decreased, exhausted; गलितविभवाश्चार्थिषु नृपाः [Bh.2.44.] -Comp.-कुष्ठम् advanced or incurable leprosy when the fingers and toes fall off; also गुलत्कुष्ठम्-नखदन्त a. a. one who has lost his claws and teeth. वृद्धो गलितनखदन्तो न कथं विश्वास- भूमिः [H.1.] -दन्त a. a. toothless.-नयन a. a. one who has lost his eyes, blind.-यौवन a. a. one who has lost the bloom or charm of youth, grown old; गलितयौवना कामिनी [Bh.2.56.] -वयस् a. a. being in the decline of age, in declining years; गलितवयसामिक्ष्वाकूणामिदं हि कुलव्रतम् [R.3.7.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 गलित Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | गलित mfn. (-तः-ता-तं) 1. fallen, dropped. 2. liquefied, melted. 3. Dis- tilled, oozing, flowing. 4. decayed, impaired. 5. lost, deprived. 6. untied, loosed. E. गल् to drop, to ooze, affix क्त. ROOTS:गल् क्त Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 गलित संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit | | adjective पूतिमान् दुर्गन्धवान् वा। Ex. गलितं वस्तु अवकरिकायां क्षिप। MODIFIES NOUN:वस्तुः ONTOLOGY:गुणसूचक (Qualitative) ➜ विवरणात्मक (Descriptive) ➜ विशेषण (Adjective) SYNONYM:शीर्ण उपक्लिन्न दुर्गन्धWordnet:bdगेसेव benপচা gujસડેલું hinसड़ा kanಕೊಳೆತು ಹೋದ kasخراب kokकुशिल्लें malചീഞ്ഞ marसडका mniꯑꯄꯨꯝꯕ nepकुहिएको oriସଢ଼ା panਸੜੀ urdسڑا , سڑاہوا noun खादनसमये कण्ठात् यद् अधः गतम् । Ex. बालकः गलितम् अन्नं पुनः निष्कासयति । MODIFIES NOUN:पदार्थः अन्नम् ONTOLOGY:अवस्थासूचक (Stative) ➜ विवरणात्मक (Descriptive) ➜ विशेषण (Adjective) SYNONYM:गिलित निगीर्ण ग्रासीकृत गीर्ण Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP