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   { balavat }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बल—वत्  mfn. mfn. (ब॑ल-) possessing power, powerful, mighty, strong, intense, [VS.] &c. &c.
   vehement (as love, desire &c.), [MBh.]
   dense (as darkness), [Mṛcch.]
   preponderating, prevailing (also with abl., ‘over’), [VPrāt.]
   accompanied by an army, [Inscr.]
बल—वत्  n. ind. powerfully, strongly, vehemently, much, well, [ŚBr.] &c. &c.
बल—वत्  m. m.also title or epithet).">N. of the 8th मुहूर्त, [Var.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बलवत् [balavat]   a.
   strong, powerful, mighty; विधिरहो बलवानिति मे मतिः [Bh.2.91.]
   stout, robust; बलवानपि निस्तेजाः कस्य नाभिभवास्पदम् [H.2.132.]
   dense, thick (as darkness, &c.)
   getting the upper hand, predominant, prevailing; बलवानिन्द्रियग्रामो विद्वांसमपि कर्षति [Ms. 2.215.]
   more important, of greater weight; लोकापवादो बलवान् मतो मे [R.14.4.]
   Accompained by an army.-m.
  N. N. of the 8th Muhūrta.
   phlegm; Gīrvāṇa.-ती small cardamoms. -ind.
   strongly, powerfully, forcibly; पुनर्वशित्वाद्बलवन्निगृह्य [Ku.3.69.]
   very much, excessively, in a high degree; बलवत्तर्पितश्चाहं बलवान् भगवंस्त्वया [Rām.2.92.5;] बलवदपि शिक्षितानामात्मन्यप्रत्ययं चेतः [Ś.1.2;] शीतार्तिं बलवदुपेयुषेव नीरैः [Śi.8.62;] [Ś.5.31.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बलवत्  mfn.  (-वान्-वती-वत्) strong, stout, lusty, powerful.
   E. बल strength, and मतुप् poss. aff.
बल मतुप्

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