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   { sthāyin }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्थायिन्  mfn. mfn. standing, staying, being or situated in or on (comp.), [Nir.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   being in a partic. place, resident, present, [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.]
   being in a partic. state or condition, [Kāv.] ; [MārkP.]
स्थायि-भाव   permanent, constant, enduring, lasting (as a feeling or state; cf. above), [ĀśvŚr.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   persevering, steadfast, [Śiś.]
   faithful, trustworthy, [Bhar.]
   having the form of (comp.), [VarBṛS.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्थायिन् [sthāyin] a.  a. [स्था-णिनि]
   standing, staying, being situated (at the end of comp.).
   enduring, continuing, lasting, abiding; शरीरं क्षणविध्वंसि कल्पान्तस्थायिनो गुणाः Subhāṣ.; कतिपयदिवसस्थायिनी यौवनश्रीः [Bh.3.82;] [Mv.7.] 15.
   living, dwelling, remaining; संपत्स्यन्ते कतिपय- दिनस्थायिहंसा दशार्णाः [Me.23.]
   permanent, firm, steady, invariable, unchangeable. -m.
   A lasting or permanent feeling; (see स्थायिभाव below); स्थायिनोऽर्थे प्रवर्तन्ते भावाः संचारिणो यथा [Śi.2.87.] -n. anything lasting, a permanent state or condition. -Comp.
-भावः   a fixed or permanent condition of mind, a lasting or permanent feeling; (these feelings being said to give rise to the different rasas or sentiments in poetry, each rasa having its own Sthāyibhāva); they are eight or nine; रतिर्हासश्च शोकश्च क्रोधोत्साहौ भयं तथाजुगुप्सा विस्मयश्चेत्थमष्टौ प्रोक्ताः शमोऽति च [S. D.26;] cf. व्यभिचारिभाव, भाव, विभाव also.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्थायिन्  mfn.  (-यी-यिनी-यि)
   1. steady, firm, unchangeable, invariable.
   2. who or what stays, or is, &c.
  f.  (-यिनी)
   1. standing, staying.
   2. abiding, living.
   3. enduring, continuing, lasting.
  n.  (-यि) any- thing lasting, a permanent state or condition.
  m.  (-यी) A class of those feelings or passions which are the objects of poetic descrip- tion: see the next.
   E. ष्ठा to stay, णिनि aff., युक् augment.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 adjective  यः कार्यात् निवृत्तेः नियतस्य कालस्य वयः यावत् प्रचलति।   Ex. भ्राता वित्तकोशे स्थायि कार्यं प्राप्तवान्।
गुणसूचक (Qualitative)विवरणात्मक (Descriptive)विशेषण (Adjective)
 noun  यः न अपगच्छति (वर्णः) ।   Ex. मतदानात् प्राक् तर्जन्या स्थायिना वर्णेन वर्णयति
गुणसूचक (Qualitative)विवरणात्मक (Descriptive)विशेषण (Adjective)

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