लेशः [lēśḥ] [लिश्-घञ्]
A small bit or portion, a particle, an atom, a very small quantity; क्लेश (v. l. स्वेद)- लेशैरभिन्नम्
[Ś.2.4;] श्रमवारिलेशैः
[Ku.3.38;] so भक्ति˚, गुण˚ &c.
Smallness, littleness.
A measure of time (equal to two kalās).
(In Rhet.) A figure of speech which consists in representing what is usually considered as an advantage to be a disadvantage andvice versa. It is thus defined in R. G.: गुणस्यानिष्टसाधन- तया दोषत्वेन दोषस्येष्टसाधनतया गुणत्वेन च वर्णनं लेशः; for examples see ad loc. (Mammaṭa appears to include this figure under विषेश. See K. P.1 under विशेष and commentary.) cf.
[Ve.2.4.] -Comp.
-उक्त a. a. only suggested, or hinted at, insinuated.