रत [rata] p.p. p. p. p. [रम्-कर्तरि क्त] Pleased, delighted, gratified. Pleased or delighted with, fond of, enamoured of, fondly attached to. Inclined to, disposed. Loved, beloved. Intent on, engaged in, devoted to; गोब्राह्मणहिते रतः [Ms.11.78.] Having sexual intercourse with (see रम्). तम् Pleasure. Sexual union, coition; अन्वभूत् परिजनाङ्गनारतम् [R.19.23,25;] [Me.91.] The private parts. -Comp. -अन्ध्री (अङ्घ्री ?) f. f. mist, fog,-अन्दुकः, -आमर्दः a dog. -अयनी a prostitute, harlot.-अर्थिन् a. lustful, lascivious. -उद्वहः the (Indian) cuckoo. ऋद्धिक a day. the eight auspicious objects. bathing for pleasure. कीलः a dog. a penis. -कूजितम् lustful or lascivious murmur. -गुरुः a husband. -गृहम् pudendum muliebre. -ज्वरः a crow.-तालिन् m. a libertine, sensualist. -ताली a procuress, bawd. नाराचः, नीरीचः a voluptuary. the god of love, Cupid. lascivious murmur. -निधिः the wagtail. -बन्धः sexual union. -मानस a. a. having a delighted mind. -विशेषाः various kinds of sexual union.-व्रणः, -शायिन् m. m. a dog. हिण्डक a ravisher or seducer of women. a voluptuary.