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   { mūrdhan }
Script: Devanagari


मूर्धन् n.  एक देव, जो भृगु एवं पौलोमी के पुत्रों में से एक था


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मूर्धन्  m. m. ([Uṇ. i, 158] ) the forehead, head in general, skull, (fig.) the highest or first part of anything, top, point, summit, front (of battle), commencement, beginning, first, chief (applied to persons), [RV.] &c., &c., (मूर्ध्नि with √ वृत् &c., to be above everything, prevail; with √ धृ, or आ-√ दा = मूर्ध्ना1.कृ, to place on the head, hold in high honour)
अग्र   the base (in geom.; opp. to ; perhaps w.r. for बुध्न), [Col.]
   (in gram.) the roof or top of the palate (as one of the 8 स्थानs or places of utterance), [Pāṇ. 1-1, 9] Sch.
   (with Buddhists) ‘the summit’, N. of a state of spiritual exaltation, [Divyâv.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मूर्धन् [mūrdhan]  m. m. [मुह्यत्यस्मिन्नाहते इति मूर्धा, cf. [Uṇ.1.156] ]
   The forehead, brow.
   The head in general; नतेन मूर्ध्ना हरिरग्रहीदपः [Śi.1.18;] [R.16.81;] नैसर्गिकी सुरभिणः कुसुमस्य सिद्धा मूर्ध्नि स्थितिर्न चरणैरवताडनानि [U.1.14;] [Ku.3.22.]
   The highest or most prominent part, top, summit, peak, head; अतिष्ठन्मनुजेन्द्राणां मूर्ध्नि देवपतिर्यथा mb. 'stood at the head of all kings' &c.; उत्तमे शिखरे जाते भूम्यां पर्वतमूर्धनि Sandhyā mantra; [Ś.5.7;] [Me.17.]
   (hence) A leader, head, chief, foremost, prominent.
   front, van, forepart; स किल संयुगमूर्ध्नि सहायतां मघवतः प्रतिपद्य महारथः [R.9.19.]
   (In geom.) The base.
   (In gram.) The roof of the palate. -Comp.
-अन्तः   the crown of the head.
-अक्षिषिक्त   a.
   consecrated, crowned, inaugurated; मूर्धाभिषिक्तं कुमुदो बभाषे [R.16.81.]
   common, stock (as an instance); उत्कृत्योत्कृत्य कृत्तिं इति बीभत्सस्य मूर्धाभिषिक्तमुदाहरणम्.
   (क्तः) a consecrated king; पश्य मूर्धाभिषिक्तानामाचार्य कदनं महत् [Mb.7.15.12.]
   a man of the Kṣatriya caste.
   a minister.
   = मूर्धावसिक्त (1) q. v.
-अभिषेकः   consecration, inauguration.
   अवसिक्तः N. of a particular mixed tribe sprung from a Brāhmaṇa father and Kṣatriya mother.
   a consecrated king.
-कर्णी, कर्परी  f. f. an umbrella. -गa. sitting down on the head; स्यन्दनैः स्यन्दनगता गजैश्च गजमूर्धगाः [Rām.7.7.5.]
   जः the hair (of the head); पर्याकुला मूर्धजाः [Ś.1.3;] विललाप विकीर्णमूर्धजा [Ku.4.4] 'she tore her hair for grief'.
   the mane.
   a crown, helmet; विमुक्तमूर्धजा येये चापि हतवाहनाः [Mb.1.5.12.] -ज्योतिस् n. see ब्रह्मरन्ध्र or मुद्रामार्ग.
-पातः   splitting of the skull.
-पिण्डः   a lump upon the head (of an elephant in rut).
-पुष्पः   the Śirīṣa tree.
-रसः   the scum of boiled rice.
-वेष्टनम्   a turban, diadem.

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