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   { parisaṅkhyā }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   parisaṅkhyā f S A rule or precept by which, although it is couched in the form of a command or permission, a prohibition is intended. Ex. अन- ध्यायदिवसीं खेळावें, i.e. play not on the days of study.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
परि-सं-√ ख्या   1.P.-ख्याति (inf.ख्यातुम्), to count, enumerate, [ŚāṅkhŚr.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] ;
to limit to a certain number, KātyŚr. Sch.;
to reckon up, calculate, add together, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Suśr.] ;
to make good, restore, [Car.] ; [Jaim.] Sch.
परि—संख्या  f. 2.f. enumeration, computation, sum, total, number, [ŚāṅkhŚr.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   (in phil.) exhaustive enumeration (implying exclusion of any other), limitation to that which is enumerated, [Jaim.] ; [Kull.] on iii, 45">[Mn. iii, 45]
   (in rhet.) special mention or exclusive specification, [Kpr.] ; [Sāh.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
परिसंख्या [parisaṅkhyā]   2 [P.]
   To count or reckon up, add together.
   To enumerate.
   To make good, restore.
परिसंख्या [parisaṅkhyā]   1 enumeration, computation.
   sum, total, number: वित्तस्य विद्यापरिसंख्यया मे [R.5.21.]
   (In Mīm. phil.) exclusion, specification, limitation to that which is enumerated or expressly mentioned, so that everything else is excluded; सांख्यदर्शनमेतावत् परिसंख्यानुदर्शनम् [Mb.12.36.42.] [परिसंख्या is opposed to विधि which lays down a rule for the first time, and to नियम which restricts the choice to an alternative which is expressly stated when several such alternatives are possible]; विधिरत्यन्तमप्राप्तौ नियमः पाक्षिकं सतितत्र चान्यत्र च प्राप्तौ परिसंख्येति गीयते ॥ e. g. पञ्च पच्चनखा भक्ष्याः usually quoted by the Mīmāṁsakas; अयं नियमविधिर्न तु परिसंख्या Kull. on [Ms.3.45.] प्राप्तस्य पुनर्वचनं परिसंख्यार्थं भवति ŚB. on [MS.11.1.66.] परिसंख्या also means a text laying down exclusion; cf. (विधिपरिसंख्यासंशये विधिर्ज्यायान् ŚB. on [MS.6.4.7] ); also परिसंख्यायां स्वार्थहानिः, परार्थकल्पना, प्राप्तबाधश्च ।
   (In Rhet.) special mention or exclusive specification, i. e. where with or without a query something is affirmed for the denial, expressed or understood, of something else similar to it. (this figure is particularly striking when it is based on a श्लेष or pun); यस्मिन् महीं शासति चित्रकर्मसु वर्णसंकराश्चापेषु गुणच्छेदः &c. or यस्य नूपुरेषु मुखरता विवाहेषु करग्रहणं तुरङ्गेषु कशाभिघातः &c. K; for other examples see [S. D.735.]

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