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   { patiḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  स्त्री की दृष्टि से उसका विवाहित पुरुष   Ex. शीला का पति किसानी करके परिवार का पालन-पोषण करता है ।
व्यक्ति (Person)स्तनपायी (Mammal)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
kasخانٛدار , روٗن
urdشوہر , خاوند , میاں , شریک حیات


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A lord, master, proprietor. 2 A husband.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  A lord, master, proprietor. A husband.


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पति  m. 1.m. (cf.1.पत्; when uncompounded and meaninghusbandinstr.प॑त्या; dat.प॑त्ये; gen.abl.प॑त्युर्; loc.प॑त्यौ; but when meaninglord, master’, and ifc. regularly inflected with exceptions; cf.[Pāṇ. 1-4, 8; 9] ) a master, owner, possessor, lord, ruler, sovereign, [RV.] &c. &c.
दुहितृ-प्°  m. a husband, same place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. (in comp. either with the stem or with the gen., e.g. or °तुः-प्°, [Pāṇ. 6-3, 24] ; when mfn.f. = m.e.g.-जीवत्-पत्या त्वया, ii, 24, 8, or">[R. ii, 24, 8, or] पतिकाe.g.प्रमीत-पतिका, ix, 68">[Mn. ix, 68] )
पाशुपतस्   one of the 2 entities (with ), [RTL. 89]
   a root, [L.]
पति  f. f. a female possessor, mistress, 33 Sch.">[Pāṇ. 4-1, 33] Sch.
वृद्ध-प्°   a wife ( = -पत्नी, the of an old man, same place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. 34 Sch.)
पति   [cf.Gk.πόσις, ‘husband’; Lat.potis, पोस्-सुम् for पोतिस्-सुम्; Lith.patis, ‘husband’; goth. (bruth-) faths, ‘bridegroom’]
पति  f. f. = गति, going, motion.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पतिः [patiḥ]   [पा-डतिं]
   A master, lord; as in गृहपतिः.
   An owner, possessor, proprietor; क्षेत्रपतिः.
   governor, ruler, one who presides over; ओषधीपतिः, वनस्पतिः, कुलपतिः &c.
   A husband; प्रमदाः पतिवर्त्मगा इति प्रतिपन्नं हि विचेतनैरपि [Ku.4.33.]
   A root.
   going, motion, fight. -f.
   A female possessor, a mistress.
   A wife.
   Comp. घातिनी, घ्नी a woman who murders her husband.
   a line on the hand showing that a woman will be faithless to her husband.
-देवता, -देवा   one who regards her husband as a divinity, a woman loyally devoted to her husband, a chaste woman; कः पतिदेवतामन्यः परिमार्ष्टुमुत्सहते [Ś.6;] तमलभन्त पतिं पतिदेवताः शिखरिणामिव सागरमापगाः [R.9.17;] धुरिस्थिता त्वं पतिदेवतानाम् 14.74.
-धर्मः   duty (of a wife) towards a husband.-प्राणा a chaste wife.
-लङ्घनम्   disregarding a former husband by marrying another; cf. [Ms.5.151.]
-वेदनः  N. N. of Śiva. (-नम्) procuring a husband (by magical means); धातुर्देवस्य सत्येन कृणोमि पतिवेदनम् [Av.2.36.2.] -लोकः the world of husbands in a future life; पतिलोक- मभीप्सन्ती नाचरेत् किंचिदप्रियम् [Ms.5.156.]
-व्रता   a devoted, faithful and loyal wife, a chaste and virtuous wife; ˚त्वम् fidelity to a husband.
-सेवा   devotion to a husband; वैवाहिको विधिः स्त्रीणां संस्कारो वैदिकः स्मृतः । पतिसेवा गुरौ वासो गृहार्थोऽग्निपरिक्रिया ॥ [Ms.2.67.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पति  m.  (-तिः)
   1. A master, an owner.
   2. A husband.
   3. A root. 4. ruler
   5. going, motion.
   E. पा to nourish, Unādi aff. डति, or पत् to go, with the same aff.
पा डति पत्

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