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   { niras }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
निर्   -√ 2.अस्P.Ā.-अस्यति, °ते, (inf.असितुम्, [MBh.] ; aor.-आस्थत्, [Bhaṭṭ.] ). to cast out, throw or drive away, expel, remove, banish from (abl.), [ŚBr.] ; [ŚrS.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to ward off, keep away, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
to strip off (also Ā.), [Pāṇ. 1-3, 29] , Vārtt. 3, [Pat.] ;
to stretch out (हस्तौ, also Ā.), [Vop.] ;


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
निरस् [niras]   4 [P.]
   To cast out, throw or drive away, give up, quit, drive or send back; निरस्तगाम्भीर्यमपास्त- पुष्पकम् [Śi.1.55;9.63.]
   To destroy, ward off, defeat, annihilate, dispel; अह्नाय तावदरुणेन तमो निरस्तम् [R.5.7;] रक्षांसि वेदीं परितो निरास्थत् [Bk.1.12;2.36.]
   To turn out, remove, expel, banish; गृहान्निरस्ता न तेन वैदेहसुता मनस्तः [R.14.84.]
   To throw out, discharge (as arrows).
   To reject, repudiate, decline.
   To refute, confute, controvert (as arguments).
   To eclipse, obscure, throw into the back-ground; यशांसि सर्वेषुभृतां निरास्थत् [Bk.1.3.]
   To tear out, strip off.
   To stretch out (as a hand).


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   see : निष्कासय, विवाहं लोपय, खण्ड्

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