णी (ञ) णीञ् r. 1st cl. (नयति-ते) णी (ञ) णीञ् 1. To conduct, to drive or guide to cause progressive conveyance. णी (ञ) णीञ् 2. To obtain, to get. The root is inflected as the deponent verb, implying, णी (ञ) णीञ् 1. instruction, as नयते शास्त्रे he instructs in the sastra; णी (ञ) णीञ् 2. worshipping, विष्णुं नयते he worships vishnu; also with prepositions in the sense of; णी (ञ) णीञ् 1. paying, भृत्यमुपनयते he pays the hire; णी (ञ) णीञ् 2. paying as a debt, ऋणं विनयते he discharges the debt; णी (ञ) णीञ् 3. casting or lifting up, दण्डमुन्नयते he lifts up the stick; णी (ञ) णीञ् 4. giving, द्रव्यं विनमते he gives the things; and णी (ञ) णीञ् 5. Brahmanical investiture, पुत्त्रमुपनयते he investes his son with the thread: it is also deponent, governing an incorporial object existing in the agent, as क्रोधं विनयते he suppresses wrath; if the object is not in the agent the verb is active, as गुरोः क्रोधं विनयति he appeases his teacher's anger; as also if the object is [Page300-b+ 55] corporal, as गण्डं विनयति he turns away the cheek. The root occurs with many prefixes, and in a great variety of meanings; णी (ञ) णीञ् 1. With अनु, a To ask, to entreat. b To make like or resembling. c. To favour. णी (ञ) णीञ् 2. णी (ञ) णीञ् With अप, a To take away, to remove. b. To attract. णी (ञ) णीञ् 3. With अभि, a. To indicate by signs. b. To be kind or civil to. णी (ञ) णीञ् 4. With आङ् To bring. णी (ञ) णीञ् 5. णी (ञ) णीञ् With उत्, To raise up. णी (ञ) णीञ् 6. णी (ञ) णीञ् With उप, To approach, to go near to (see also above.) णी (ञ) णीञ् 7. णी (ञ) णीञ् With दुर्, To act or behave wickedly. णी (ञ) णीञ् 8. णी (ञ) णीञ् With निर्, a. To get or obtain. b. To ascertain, to de- termine. णी (ञ) णीञ् 9. णी (ञ) णीञ् With परि, a. To marry. b. To take cognizance of. णी (ञ) णीञ् 10. With प्र, a. To punish. b. To love. णी (ञ) णीञ् 11. णी (ञ) णीञ् With वि, a. To take away, to make remote or distant. b To behumble or modest. णी (ञ) णीञ् 12. णी (ञ) णीञ् With वि and अप, To remove, to dispel, to disperse. णी (ञ) णीञ् 13. णी (ञ) णीञ् With वि and निर्, To decide by law. णी (ञ) णीञ् 14. णी (ञ) णीञ् With सम्, a. To collect. b. To discharge. णी (ञ) णीञ् 15. णी (ञ) णीञ् With सम् and अनु, To entreat. णी (ञ) णीञ् 16. णी (ञ) णीञ् With सम् and आङ्, To assemble to collect, &c.