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   { āśu }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi
See : जल्दी


वि.  सत्वर ; लवकर ; शीघ्र . सलज्जांची लज्जा हरि परि हरी आशु भजनी । [ सं . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
आशु  mfn. mfn. (√ 1.अश्, [Uṇ. i, 1] ), fast, quick, going quickly, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] &c.
आशु  m. m.Ved. the quick one, a horse, [RV.] ; [AV.]
आशु  mn. mn. rice ripening quickly in the rainy season, [ŚBr.] ; KātyŚr.; [L.]
आशु  n. n.N. of a सामन्
आशु  n. ind. quickly, quick, immediately, directly, [Suśr.] ; [Megh.] ; [Pañcat. &c.]
आशु   [cf.Gk.ὠκύς, ὤκιστος; Lat.acu in acupedius, ocissimus: of the same origin may be the Lat.aquila and accipiter.]


आशु [āśu] a.  a. [अश्-व्याप्तौ उण्] Fast, quick
-शुः   Ved.
'The quick one', a horse.
Rice (ripening quickly in the rainy season).
-शु   ind. Fast, quickly, immediately, directly; [Bg.2.65;] वर्त्म भानोस्त्यजाशु [Me.41,22.] [cf. L. acu; Gr. okus.] -Comp.
-आपस् a.  a. obtaining quickly.
-कारिन्, -कृत्   a.
doing anything quickly, smart, active.
operating quickly (as a medicine).-कोपिन् a. irascible, irritable.
-क्रिया   quick operation of a medicine.
-ग a.  a. swift, quick.
(गः) the wind.
the sun.
an arrow; पपावनास्वादितपूर्वमा- शुगः [R.3.54,11.83,12.91]
-गामिन् a.  a. going quickly.m. the sun.
-तोष a.  a. easily appeased or pleased. (षः) an epithet of Śiva.
-पत्री   a tree which yields frankincense (शल्लकीलता).
-पत्वन् a.  a. flying quickly.-फलः A kind of weapon.
-बोध a.  a. teaching quickly, N. of a treatise of grammar.
-या a.  a. going quickly. -ind. quickly.
-व्रीहिः   rice ripening in the rainy season. -षेणa. Ved. having swift arrows. नम आशुषेणाय चाशुरथाय च Rudra.
-संधेय a.  a. Easy to be joined together or reconciled.
-हेमन् a.  a. running on quickly, urging the horses.
-हेषस् a.  a. Ved. quickly neighing; having quick horses, quickly praised; (शीघ्रशब्दायमान) N. of the Aśvins.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
आशु  mfn.  (-शुः-शुः-शु) Going quickly, fleet, first.
 mn.  (-शुः-शु) Rice ripen- ing in the rainy season. n. adv. (-शु) Quick, quickly.
E. अशू to per- vade, उण् aff.
अशू उण्


See : साक्षात्, सत्वरम्, शीघ्रम्

Related Words

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