गुल्म m. (
1. The division of an army, a body of troops, consisting of nine platoons, or nine elephants, nine chariots, twenty-seven horse, and forty-five foot.
2. The spleen.
3. A shrub, a bush.
4. A clump of grass, &c.
5. A fort, an intrenchment.
6. Disciplining an army, keeping it in a posture of defence.
7. A wharf or stairs, a Ghat.
8. A disease; according to some, a chronic enlargement of the spleen, but as variously situated, it is any glandular enlarge- ment in the abdomen, as that of the mesenteric gland, &c. so as to be perceived externally.
f. (
1. A tent.
2. Emblic myrobalan also
3. Small cardamoms: see
4. A cluster or clump of trees, a muititude of thickets.
5. A kind of plant, commonly Kurkavali.
E. गुड to surround,
मक् affix,
ड changed to