Dictionaries | References


   { gulmḥ, gulma }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
GULMA   see under Akṣauhiṇī.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  गाँठ के आकार में नस के सूज जाने का एक रोग   Ex. सीता गुल्म से पीड़ित है ।
रोग (disease)शारीरिक अवस्था (Physiological State)अवस्था (State)संज्ञा (Noun)
   see : झाड़ी, शाक


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   gulma n S A disease, any glandular enlargement, as variously situated, in the abdomen. 2 The spleen. 3 A division of an army of a particular amount and composition. 4 A knot. 5 A bump or tumor. 6 A tangled and dense or a spreading bush. The classification of the four great forms of the vegetable kingdom is तृण, वृक्ष, गुल्म, लता grass or herb, tree, spreading bush, scandent shrub.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   any glandular enlargement in the abdomen. The spleen. A bump or tumour. A division of an army of a particular amount and composition. A tangled and dense bush.


  पु. प्रकुपित वातादि दोषानें कोठयांत उत्पन्न होणारा गोळयासारखा एक रोग ; कुशी , हृदय , नाभी , बस्ती हीं त्याचीं स्थानें होत ; वायगोळा . एकांतें गुल्म उदरीं । - गीता १३ . २४९४ . २ पाणथरी . ३ विशिष्ट संख्येचा व रचनेचा सैन्यविभाग , तुकडी . तीन सेनामुखांची तुकडी ( सेनामुख = ३ हत्ती , ३ रथ , ९ घोडे व १५ पायदळ ). ४ ग्रंथि ; गांठ . ५ गांठ ; गोळा ; गळूं ; गरस . ६ गुंतागुंतीचें व दाट किंवा पसरणारें झुडूप ; तृण , वृक्ष , लता व गुलम हे वनस्पतिक्षेत्रांतील मोठे वर्ग होत . [ सं . ]
०वात  पु. एक प्रकारचा वात . पोटाची किंवा पाणथरीची सूज . [ सं . ] गुलमोदर - न . उदररोगाचा एक प्रकार . [ सं . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गुल्म  n. m. (rarely n., [MBh. x] ; viii, x">[BhP. viii, x] ) a cluster or clump of trees, thicket, bush, shrub, xxv, 8">[VS. xxv, 8] ; [Mn.] ; [Yājñ.] &c.
   a troop or guard of soldiers, body of troops, division of an army (consisting of 45 foot, 27 horse, 9 chariots, and 9 elephants, [MBh. i, 290] ; or of 135 foot, 81 horse, 27 chariots, and 27 elephants, [L.] ; cf.[MBh. v, 5270] ), vii, ix">[Mn. vii, ix] ; [MBh.] &c.
   a fort, entrenchment, [W.]
   disciplining an army, [W.]
   a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland &c.), [Suśr.] ; xxi, 8">[VarBṛ. xxi, 8] ; [Kathās. xv]
गुल्म  m. m. the spleen, [L.]
-तर-पण्य   ‘a wharf or stairs, [Ghaṭ.] see


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गुल्मः [gulmḥ] ल्मम् [lmam]   ल्मम् [गुड् मक् डस्य लः [Tv.] ]
   A clump or cluster of trees, a thicket, wood, bush; विशालगुल्मं प्ररुज- न्वनस्पतीन् [Bhāg.8.2.2;] [Ms.1.48;7.192;12.58;] [Y.2.229.]
   A troop of soldiers; i. e. three सेनामुखs; cf. [Mb.1.2.2;] a division of an army, consisting of 45 foot, 27 horse, 9 chariots and 9 elephants (according to राजधर्मकाण्ड of कृत्यकल्पतरु of लक्ष्मीधर; cf. also दण्डविवेक, G. O. S.52, [p.31] ).
   A fort, entrenchment; मध्यमेन च गुल्मेन रक्षिभिः सा सुरक्षिता, [Mb.3.15.11.]
   The spleen.
   A chronic enlargement of the spleen.
   A village police-station.
   A wharf of stairs (mar. घाट).
   Disciplining an army, keeping it in a posture of defence.
   war-camp; तथैव गुल्मे संप्रेक्ष्य शयानान्मध्यगौल्मिकान् [Mb. 1.8.41.]
   A tent; [Mb.6.86.54.]
   ल्मी A cluster or clump of trees.
   small cardamoms.
   A tent. -Comp.
-कुष्ठम् a.  a. kind of leprosy.
-केतुः   a small sort of cane, sorrel.
-केश a.  a. having bushy hair.
-मूलम्   fresh ginger.
-वातः, -उदरः   a disease of the spleen.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गुल्म  m.  (-ल्मः)
   1. The division of an army, a body of troops, consisting of nine platoons, or nine elephants, nine chariots, twenty-seven horse, and forty-five foot.
   2. The spleen.
   3. A shrub, a bush.
   4. A clump of grass, &c.
   5. A fort, an intrenchment.
   6. Disciplining an army, keeping it in a posture of defence.
   7. A wharf or stairs, a ghat.
   8. A disease; according to some, a chronic enlargement of the spleen, but as variously situated, it is any glandular enlarge- ment in the abdomen, as that of the mesenteric gland, &c. so as to be perceived externally.
  f.  (-ल्मी)
   1. A tent.
   2. emblic myrobalan also आमलकी.
   3. small cardamoms: see एला.
   4. A cluster or clump of trees, a muititude of thickets.
   5. A kind of plant, commonly Kurkavali.
   E. गुड to surround, मक् affix, changed to .

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