Dictionaries | References S Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary Apte's Student's English Sanskrit dictionary (Published 1884) By. Vaman Shivram Apte Type: Dictionary Count : 11,343 (Approx.) Language: English Sanskrit | Show All subtend subterfuge subterranean subtile subtract subvert subway succeed succinct succour succulent succumb such suck sudden sudorific sue suet suffer suffice suffix suffocate suffrage suffuse sugar suggest suicide suit suite sulk sullen sully sulphate sulphur sulphuret sultry sum summer summit summon summumbonum sumpter sumptuary sumptuous sun sunder sundry sup super superannuated superb supercilious supererogatory superficies superfine superfluous superhuman superincumbent superinduce superintend superior superlative supernatural supernumerary superpose superscribe supersede superstition superstructure supervene supervise supine supplant supple supplement suppliant supplicate supply support suppose suppress suppurate supreme Surcharge surd sure surf surface surfeit surge surgeon surly surmise surmount surname surpass surplice Surplus surprise surrender surreptitious surround surtout surveillance survey survive susceptible suspect suspend sustain sutler suture suzerain swaddle swagger swain swallow swamp swan sward swarm swarthy swathe sway swear sweat sweep sweet swell swelter swerve swift swig swim swindle swine swing swinge swirl swish switch swoon swoop sword syce sycophant syllable syllabus syllogism sylph sylvan symbol symmetry sympathy symphony symposium symptom synagogue synchronous syncope syndicate synod synonym synopsis syntax synthesis syphilis syringe syrup system systole tabard tabasheer tabby tabernacle tabes tablature table taboo tabor tacit taciturn tack tackle tact tactile tadpole tag tail Tailor taint take tale talent talisman talk tall tallow tally talon tamarind tamarix tambour tame tamper tan tangent tangible tangle tank tankard tantalize tantamount tantrum tap tape taper tapering tapestry tapeworm tapis tar tardy Target tariff tarnish tarpaulin tarry tart tartar task tassel taste tatter tattle tattoo taunt Taurus taut tautology tavern tawdry tawny Tax teach teak team tear tease teat technical technology tedious teem teetotal tegument telegram teleology telephone telescope tell temerity temper temperature tempest temple temporal Temporary temporize tempt ten tenable tenacious Tenant tend Tender tendon tendril tenement tenet tenour tense tent tentative tenuous tepid tercentenary tergiversation term termagant terminology terpsichorean terrace terraqueous terrene territory terror terse tertian Tertiary test testaceous testalor testament testicles testify testimony testy tetanus teteatete tether tetrad tetragon tew text textile texture than thank that thatch thaw the theatre theft theism theme then theocracy theogony theology theorem theory theosophy therapeutic there thermal thermometer thesis thews thick thieve thigh thimble thin thing think thirst thirteen thirty this thistle thither thong thorax thorn thorough thou though thousand thrall thrash thread threat three thresh threshold thrift thrill thrive throat throb throe throne throng throttle through throw thrum thrush thrust thumb thump thunder thursday thus thwack thwart tiara tick ticket tickle tide tidings tidy tie tiffin tiger tight till tilt timber timberel time timid tin tincture tinder tine tinge tingle tinker tinkle tinsel tint tiny tip tippet tipple tipsy tirade tire tissue titan tithe titillate title titter tittle to toad tobacco tocsin toddy toil toilet Token tolerate toll tomb tome tomorrow tomtom ton tone tongs tongue tonsil tonsure too tool tooth top topaz tope topic topography topple topsyturvy torch torment tornado torpid torrent torrid tortoise tortuous torture toss total totter touch tough tour tournament tow toward towel tower town toxic toy trace trachea track tract tractable traction trade tradition traduce traffic tragedy trail train trait traitor trammel tramp trample | Show All Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Credits: Apte Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary of 1884 from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 details here. Github RepoArchive.org Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP