Dictionaries | References S Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary Apte's Student's English Sanskrit dictionary (Published 1884) By. Vaman Shivram Apte Type: Dictionary Count : 11,343 (Approx.) Language: English Sanskrit | Show All skewer skiff skill skim skimp skin skip skipper skirmish skirt skittish skulk skull sky slab slabber slack slake slam slander slang slant slap slash slattern slaughter slave slaver slay sledge sledgehammer sleek sleep sleet sleeve sleigh sleight slender sleuth slice slide slight slim slime sling slink slip slipper slit slobber slop slope slot sloth slouch slough sloven slow sludge slug sluice slumber slur slush slut sly smack small smart smash smatter smear smell smelt smile smirch smirk smite Smith smock smoke smooth smother smoulder smudge smug smuggle smut snack snaffle snail snake snap snare snarl snatch sneak sneer sneeze snicker sniff snip snipe snivel snob snooze snore snort snot snout snow snub snuff snuffle snug so soak soap soar sob sober sobriquet sociable society sociology sock socket sod sodality sodden sodomy sofa soft soho soil sojourn solace solar solder soldier sole solecism solemn solicit solid soliloquy solitary solstice solve sombre some somersault somnambulate somniferous somniloquist somnolent son song sonnet sonorous soon soot sooth soothe sop sophism soporific sorcery sordid sore sorrel sorrow sort sortie sot soul sound soup sour source souse south souvenir sovereign sow space spade span spangle spank spar spare spark sparring sparrow sparse spasm spatter spattle spavin spawl spawn speak spear specie species specimen specious speck spectacle spectator spectre specular speculate speculum speed spell spend sperm spew sphere sphygmograph spice spider spike spikenard spill spin spindle spine spinous spinster spiracle spire spirit spit spite splash spleen splendid splice splint split spoil spoke spokesman spoliate sponge sponsor spontaneous spoon spoor sporadic sport spot spouse spout sprain sprat sprawl spray spread sprig sprightly spring springe sprinkle sprite sprout spruce spume spur spurious spurn spurt sputter sputum spy squab squabble squad squadron squalid squall squander square squash squat squeak squeamish squeeze squelch squib squint squire squirm squirrel squirt stab stable stack staff stag stage stager stagger stagnant staid stain stair stake stale stalk stall stallion stalwart stamen stamina stammer Stamp stampede stanch stanchion stand standard stanza staple star starboard starch stare stark start startle starve state station stationer statue stature status statute stave stay stead steadfast steady steal steam steed steel steep steeple steer stellar stem stench stentorian step stereotyped sterile sterling stern sternum sternutation stertorous stethoscope stew steward stibium stick stickle stiff stifle stigma stile stiletto still stimulate sting stingy stink stint Stipend stipulate stir stirrup stitch stitt stock stocking stodgy stoic stoke stolid stomach stone stool stoop stop storax store stork storm story stout stove stow straddle straggle straight strain strait strand strange strangle strangury strap stratagem strategy stratum straw stray streak stream street strength strenuous stress stretch strew striate strict stricture stride strife strike string stringent strip stripe stripling strive stroke stroll strong structure struggle struma strumpet strut stubble stubborn stucco stud study stuff stuffy stultify stumble stump stun stunt stupefy stupendous sturdy stutter sty style styptic styx suasion suave subacid subdivide subdue subjacent subject subjoin subjugate sublimate sublime subliminal sublunary submarine submerge submit subordinate suborn subpoena subscribe subsequent subserve subside Subsidy subsist subsoil substance substitute substratum | Show All Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Credits: Apte Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary of 1884 from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 details here. Github RepoArchive.org Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP